The first AS unit entitled ‘Biology and Disease’ seized my interest immediately and I most recently completed Unit 5

The first AS unit entitled ‘Biology and Disease’ seized my interest immediately and I most recently completed Unit 5

The first AS unit entitled ‘Biology and Disease’ seized my interest immediately and I most recently completed Unit 5, my favourite topics being muscle contraction and the nervous system, anatomical topics with undoubted links to biomedicine. Another chapter in Unit 5 was devoted to DNA technology, highlighting the technological advances in the medical field and holding particular relevance to my course choice due to the large amount of laboratory work that is based on the use of highly technical equipment.
For my GCEs I have chosen Biology to help me get an in-depth understanding of how and the human body functions the way it does. I have also chosen Chemistry as it would help my laboratory and practical skills which are vital in the biomedical field. I have also taken A Level Physics and Mathematics as I believe this would boost my logical and problem-solving abilities.


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