Look sad and in pain

Look sad and in pain

(Look sad and in pain) My stomach hurts and I have headaches every day. The girls are spreading rumors and telling secrets, and it just doesn’t feel right to me.

Is there something wrong with me? Or am I really what they say I am? Could I be a victim of bullying?

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As you may have noticed my speech is about bullying – so let’s get started.

Have you ever been bullied? Has it happened to your peers or have you just seen or heard about it on TV? Many people have different opinions on what bullying is. Some say it is kicking or hitting someone, others say it’s when you say mean things or call someone names.

All of these things are correct, as they are different ways you can be bullied. However, they are not the official definition of bullying. Everyone has a different opinion, but the definition I follow is:

Anything that a person does on purpose to upset or hurt another person –(the victim).

The victim is the person that gets bullied.


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