The Research Design Overview A Research design is the set of methods and procedures used in collecting and analysing measures of the variables specified in the research problem research

The Research Design Overview A Research design is the set of methods and procedures used in collecting and analysing measures of the variables specified in the research problem research

The Research Design Overview
A Research design is the set of methods and procedures used in collecting and analysing measures of the variables specified in the research problem research. The design of a study defines the study type (Exploratory, descriptive, and Explanatory). To begin with the Exploratory type it’s a research that gathers preliminary information that will help to define the problem and suggest the hypothesis. Regarding the descriptive research it’s used to represent an accurate form of a person, event or a situation, so that you have all the details to help you in your research. While, Explanatory Research it’s used to know the link or the relation between variables. The research design also should contemplate certain points such as (e.g.,Research choices, Research Strategies and Time Horizons). There are two types of research choices Mono Method and multiple-methods. Moreover there are two groups of multiple-methods: one is the multi- method and the other is Mixed-Method. Research strategy is a step-by-step plan of action that gives direction to your thoughts and efforts, enabling you to conduct research systematically on schedule to produce quality results and detailed reporting. There are various examples of research strategies such as: surveys, experiments and ethnographies. As for Time Horizons, there are two ways the “Cross-sectional Studies” and the “Longitudinal Studies”. The Cross-sectional is to research for a problem once; however, the longitudinal studies is study the strength , follow-up and to know whether if there is any new updates which takes a long time. In other words, in the longitudinal study you research more than once. Research design is the framework that has been created to find answers to research questions.

In our research we concentrated on choosing an exploratory and explanatory research. Exploratory research because we need to explore and to find more explanations and incises from the interviews. Explanatory research because we need to explain the relationship among our variables. Our time horizon is a Cross sectional study because we are studying our research problem for once.

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Concerning our project, we mainly depend on articles to know the gap and so that we consequently start our research and collect the data through certain questionnaire. As our project aim is to investigate the relationship between the effectiveness of storytelling advertising on literate and illiterate people and how they understand the idea. We just made a simple questionnaire, to the point, so that everyone understand what we mean. What is more important a questionnaire is better than many more other types, as in a questionnaire people are able to express their point of view.


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