The colour of plant leaves changes in autumn because of the chlorophyll breaks down

The colour of plant leaves changes in autumn because of the chlorophyll breaks down

The colour of plant leaves changes in autumn because of the chlorophyll breaks down. So that, the yellow to orange colors become visible because the green colour disappears and gives the leaves part of their fall magnificence. Because of the changes in the length of daylight and changes in temperature, the leaves quit for food-making process at the fall. Other chemical changes may occur at the same time, which form extra colors through the improvement of red anthocyanin pigments. Sumac and dogwood, the example of tree that have combination give rise to the reddish and purplish fall colors of trees while the others give the sugar maple its bright orange.

Every autumn we reveal in the beauty of the fall colors. The result of chemicals processes that take place in the tree is the combination of red, orange, purple and yellow as the seasons change from summer to winter.

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