PSYCHOLOGY NAME OF INSTITUTION PROFESSOR COURSE DATE INTRODUCTION Video games just like any other technological source of entertainment have both negative and positive effects and when it comes to the amount of time children spend playing them there should be a restriction Amount of restriction on video games for children In as much video games are a source of entertainment the amount the children spend on them should be restricted in order for a child to be creative in other aspects

PSYCHOLOGY NAME OF INSTITUTION PROFESSOR COURSE DATE INTRODUCTION Video games just like any other technological source of entertainment have both negative and positive effects and when it comes to the amount of time children spend playing them there should be a restriction Amount of restriction on video games for children In as much video games are a source of entertainment the amount the children spend on them should be restricted in order for a child to be creative in other aspects

Video games just like any other technological source of entertainment have both negative and positive effects and when it comes to the amount of time children spend playing them there should be a restriction
Amount of restriction on video games for children
In as much video games are a source of entertainment the amount the children spend on them should be restricted in order for a child to be creative in other aspects, the following are some of the ways through which amount of time can be controlled;
Select the appropriate game for your child; to ensure that the video games your children play are the right ones for their age, you should help them choose that which are appropriate to ensure maximum control of what they do on the video games
Switch it off; for instance during times of meal and when they are doing their homework ensure you switch it off and keep them away from the children
Provide alternative source of entertainment; as a parent you should devise means by which your child gets off the screen such as enrolling them in sports either indoors to enhance their critical thinking or even enrolling them for music and dancing classes to help them grow their talents
Pros and cons of video games
Source of leisure; video games provides entertainment to the children in order to avoid boredom and also helps in getting distracted from stress
Boosts their self-esteem and competence; when the children play video games and they get to move from one level to another, it boosts their morale and they feel good knowing they are a step ahead
Cons of video games
Deterioration of school performance; if the amount of time spent on video games is not restricted, they can be a threat to a child’s good performance in school
Poor socialization; when video games are all that a child is used to, it can affect the socialization skills of the child with his/her age-mates as the child is not used to going out and interacting with friends
Promotes violent behavior; if the child is not helped in selecting the type of games appropriate for his age, the child can start developing some violent and aggressive behavior
Leads to addiction; video games can be addictive to the children if there is lack of parental intervention and this can affect the child’s growth in some areas of his/her life
Video games has proved to be both useful and harmful at the same time therefore parents should restrict the amount of time their children spend playing video games in order to enhance the

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Granic, I., Lobel, A., ; Engels, R. C. (2014). The benefits of playing video games. American psychologist, 69(1), 66.
Griffiths, M. D. (2002). The educational benefits of videogames. Education and health, 20(3), 47-51.

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Saleem, M., Anderson, C. A., ; Gentile, D. A. (2012). Effects of prosocial, neutral, and violent video games on children’s helpful and hurtful behaviors. Aggressive Behavior, 38(4), 281-287.

Wood, R. T. (2008). Problems with the concept of video game “addiction”: Some case study examples. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 6(2), 169-178.

Gentile, D. A., Lynch, P. J., Linder, J. R., & Walsh, D. A. (2004). The effects of violent video game habits on adolescent hostility, aggressive behaviors, and school performance. Journal of adolescence, 27(1), 5-22.


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