My dream is to live in a quite a big detached house surrounded by a big garden full of trees infront and sea by back

My dream is to live in a quite a big detached house surrounded by a big garden full of trees infront and sea by back

My dream is to live in a quite a big detached house surrounded by a big garden full of trees infront and sea by back. There also should be skatepark, and few trampolines in the ground. After skating or doing tricks on the tramp, you could easily go for a swim. I wouldn’t like to live in an apartment with blocks of flats and rude neighbors making noise in the middle of the night. It would be located in such place that I could find fresh and calm. In addition, my house’s position would enable me to have as many pets as possible since a large garden with enough space would provide shelter for them, but it should be quite near the city, so i can go to school. My dream house’s interior design should be carefully planned because I believe that beauty lies within the details. Consequently, I’d like it to have a big, spacious hall since it is the first palace that you see as you come in throught the front door. At tghe end of the hall, there would be a stair case leading upstairs. I’d like to decorate the walls of the hall with minamalistic paitings. For me, these paiting would give person feeling of relaxation and serenity.


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