Florida of these memories come flooding back to

Florida of these memories come flooding back to

Florida The other night I was sitting by the blazing fire eating a juicy orange, and the sweet smell reminded me of my vacations to Florida over winter break.

I will never forget the fresh smell of the air when we stepped off the airplane. I could see my grandparents from across the crowded airport. I would always be so excited to step on the soft, white, sandy beach. The first thing I would do is change into my bathing suit and run out to the beach. My sister and I would spend the day splashing in the salty water, until we were too tired to keep our heads above the water. Then we would lie on the soft damp sand and take a nap.

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It felt so good to have the bright sun blazing down on me. My favorite thing to do was build gigantic sand castles on the beach. My sister and I would have contests to see who could build the tallest sand castle. The grains of sand glistened in the sun like a diamond ring.

I will never forget how the gigantic orange trees towered over me. Every day my grandpa would pick me an orange; they were so juicy! Every time I think about an orange, my mouth waters, and I think of how sweet they taste. Normally bedtime was a problem for me, but in Florida I fell right to sleep every night. I would leave the windows wide open, and I would fall asleep to the waves crashing on the sandy beach. I could hear the birds chirping outside my window along with the rustling of the wind.

In the mornings we would walk to this little breakfast place called Bagel Snack. I would usually get a bagel and cream cheese, but sometimes I would live on the edge and get a waffle instead. No matter what though, I would always have a glass of orange juice. For some reason it always tasted different in Florida. My mom told me it was because it was fresh squeezed, and it still had he pulp in it and everything. I always dreaded having to leave this beautiful paradise. I would tell myself don’t worry; we will be back in a year.

But every time I bite into a juicy orange, all of these memories come flooding back to me.

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