Throughout park on a cold night, Holden’swet

Throughout park on a cold night, Holden’swet

Throughout the novel, Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Holden Caulfield’sactions conveyed his deteriorating mental health.

Holden endured a troubledchildhood and adolescence. Several years prior to the opening of the novel,Holden’s younger brother, Allie, died of leukemia. Since then, various boardingschools, most recently Pency Prep, expelled Holden because of his poor gradesand lack of effort. Instead of confronting his parents with the news of hislatest failure, Holden left school and spent several days in New York City.During Holden’s stay in the city, he exhibited psychological traits not commonto a sixteen-year-old, such as a preoccupation with death and majorcommunication problems. Because of these traits, Holden Caulfield belonged in amental institution.

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Throughout the novel, Holden demonstrated an intensepreoccupation with death. For instance, Holden angered Maurice, Sunny’s boss,because Holden denied owing Sunny money that Maurice claimed Holden owed. Out ofcruelty, Maurice punched Holden in the stomach.

In reaction to the blow, Holdenacted like a wounded movie hero. Pretending to die because of a simple punchreflected Holden’s abnormal thoughts. He grossly exaggerated the situation,indicating his mental instability. In addition, Holden displayed a greatparanoia toward illness. While walking in Central park on a cold night, Holden’swet hair began to freeze. Holden convinced himself that he would soon catchpneumonia and die, simply because of his wet hair. One does not usuallyassociate wet hair with death, however Holden immediately made the mental leapbetween the two.

Finally, Holden did not accept the reality of his brother’sdeath, which was indicated during one of Holden’s visits to Allie’s grave.During the visit, it began to rain. All the other visitors ran for theprotection of their cars, but Holden felt depressed because Allie could notescape the rain. When he saw the visitors leaving, Holden thought how they couldgo some place fore dinner, but Allie could only lie in his grave. Holdencontinued to believe that his brother felt emotions.

He repeatedly gave Alliethe characteristics of a living being, proving that he never fully acceptedAllie’s death. Obviously, Holden’s many unusual thoughts regarding deathsignified that Holden needed mental help. Holden’s communication problems alsodisplayed his need to live in a mental institution. For example, on the train toNew York City, Holden conversed with Mrs. Morrow.

Holden spoke with the womanbecause he desperately sought attention and felt the need to communicate withsomeone. He chose to communicate with Mrs. Morrow because she would not remain apermanent figure in Holden’s life. By lying to Mrs. Morrow, Holden remaineddetached and independent from reality. Holden could not face reality, hence hislying, and could not communicate with permanent people in his life. Afterwards,while walking in Central Park, Holden decided to move out west, and live closerto nature.

He decided to pretend that he suffered from deafness and muteness tominimize his contact with people. Holden did not want to communicate with peoplebecause he wished to detach himself from society. For him, this provided a wayin which to escape reality. Similarly, Holden expressed a desire to move toVermont in order to detach himself from society.

He wished to sever mostcontacts with people and eliminate nearly all communications. Undoubtedly,Holden belonged in a mental institution because of his poor communicationskills. Holden Caulfield’s abnormal thoughts about death and illness, as well ashis poor communication skills gave reason to place Holden in a mentalinstitution.

His experiences and thoughts in New York City definitively provedthis idea. These included Holden’s encounters with people, such as Mrs. Morrowand Maurice, and his reactions to different situations, demonstrated by hisimmediate thought of death in connection to wet hair. Holden developed into amentally instable person because of his troubled childhood and adolescence.English Essays

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