The term of

The term of

The term of (related to processing and using food) disease is used to describe a combination
of (related to processing and using food) sicknesses/problems that all together, raise the risk of
type 2 (disease where blood sugar swings wildly) mellitus (T2DM) and disease of the heart and blood vesselss 1.
The parts/pieces of (related to processing and using food) disease are including the presence
of central (being very overweight), dyslipidemia, glucose intolerance and high blood pressure
2. The worldwide number of (related to processing and using food) disease is
(number or thing that changes), ranging from 10% to 84%, depending on (related to where mountains, rivers, cities, etc., are located) origins
and composition of the studied population 3. (related to processing and using food)
disease number has been increased (in a big/important way) in the last
twenty years which should be a priority for public health 4. It is
guessed (number) that people with (related to processing and using food) disease are twice as likely
to die and three times as likely to have a heart attack or stroke
compared with people without the disease 5. More than that,
compared with people without (related to processing and using food) disease, those with
the disease have an about 5-fold increase in (disease where blood sugar swings wildly)
risk. However, when (related to processing and using food) disease combines with prediabetes,
the risk is increased even more 6. In fact, two medicine-based
constructs for identifying people at high risk of developing
type 2 (disease where blood sugar swings wildly) are (related to processing and using food) disease and prediabetes. So,
effective treatment of these (in danger of failing school and going to jail) people is extremely important for the
prevention of type 2 (disease where blood sugar swings wildly) 7.
To date, the intestinal microbiota has been interested in its
confusing (because of confusing words) hit/effect on health and is a newly appearing investigative field
8. The connection between (related to processing and using food) disease and gut microbiota
is now admitted/recognized/responded to and some of the medically helpful (success plans/ways of reaching goals)
have been proposed to improve the composition of the gut
microflora in order to (help increase/show in a good way) best (related to processing and using food) health 9.
Current (acts of asking questions and trying to find the truth about something) suggest that moving around/misleading and tricking of the gut
microbiota by probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics could be a
promising approach for the management of (related to processing and using food) disease


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