The outcome of this process will provide useful indications of how the firm can approach knowledge enactment and how it should evolve to cope with the knowledge requirements of its organizational work practices and vice versa

The outcome of this process will provide useful indications of how the firm can approach knowledge enactment and how it should evolve to cope with the knowledge requirements of its organizational work practices and vice versa

The outcome of this process will provide useful indications of how the firm can approach knowledge enactment and how it should evolve to cope with the knowledge requirements of its organizational work practices and vice versa. Knowledge as a resource is difficult to grasp; this research aims at revealing the methods that can deployed to best utilize this resource within the context of the work practices of the organization.
The contemporary knowledge environment of firms and the characteristics of its evolution comprise the drivers for describing the arrangements taking place in the work context. The research will approach the need of a work related knowledge management system from a social, organizational and certainly technological perspective.


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