The data has been analyzed through the SPSS and based on the analysis

The data has been analyzed through the SPSS and based on the analysis

The data has been analyzed through the SPSS and based on the analysis, there were outcome received. Due to the outcome, there are 23% of the participants are consuming extra meals apart from scheduled meals, whereas 77% of the participant not addicted to extra foods. It illustrated that those extra diet consumers are getting high calorie percentage than participants who are restricted to main three meals.
Researcher has identify the type of commission has impact toward the BMI among middle grade officers. According to the commission type to the Sri Lanka Army, researcher has identified mainly three types such as Field Commissioned, Direct Enlisted and Other Rank Commissioned
The data has been analyzed through the SPSS and based on the analysis, there were outcome received. Due to the outcome, there are 34% of the participants entitles field commission and there are 33% of the participants entitles direct enlisted and there are 33% of the participants entitles OR commission.
Type of present employment. This section analyzed the present employment of middle grade officers in the Sri Lanka Army. Researcher’s intent to identify the positive factors bearing to the BMI from employment of officers
The data has been analyzed through the SPSS and based on the analysis, there were outcome received. Due to the outcome, there are 10% of the participants staffs officers and there are 20% of the participants Instructor and there are 17% of the participant’s student and there are 22% of the participant’s classic duty and 21% of other are not specified
Type of Regiment. Officers are basically fallen into three types of regiments. Considering the role and task of each regiment those are categorized as Support Regiments, Infantry Regiments and Service Regiments
The data has been analyzed through the SPSS and based on the analysis, there were outcome received. Due to the outcome, there are 34% of the participant’s service regiment and there are 33% of the participants support regiment and there are 33% of the participant’s infantry regiment
Service Period. The service period of officers are consider as a decisive factor for concerning their BMI.

21. The data has been analyzed through the SPSS and based on the analysis, there were outcome received. Due to the outcome, there are 27% of the participant’s below 5 years of working experience and there are 16% of the participant’s 6-10 years and there are 8% of the participant’s 11-15 years there are 49% of the participants above 20 years.
The data has been analyzed through the SPSS and based on the analysis, there were outcome received. Due to the outcome, there are 27% of the participants who are doing daily exercises and there are 50% of the participants who are once a week and there are 8% of the participants are not Exercising regularly and there are 15% of the participants any other practices.
The data has been analyzed through the SPSS and based on the analysis, there were outcome received. Due to the outcome, there are 2% of the participants’ physical training 30 minutes. There are 6% of the participants’ physical training 30-35 minutes and there are 14% of the participants’ physical training 45-60 minutes and there are 66% of the participants’ physical training 1 hour and others not specified. Majority of the sample does not have proper plan for their physical activities. Researcher has identified that as a considerable drawback for their calorie burning.
The data has been analyzed through the SPSS and based on the analysis, there were outcome received. Due to the outcome, there are 23% of the participants are consuming extra meals apart from scheduled meals, whereas 77% of the participant not addicted to extra foods. It illustrated that those extra diet consumers are getting high calorie percentage than participants who are restricted to main three meals.
The data has been analyzed through the SPSS and based on the analysis, there were outcome received. Due to the outcome, there are 67% of the participant’s having considerable knowledge on BMI and 27% having average knowledge and rest of 6% are having poor knowledge.

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The data has been analyzed through the SPSS and based on the analysis, there were outcome received. Due to the outcome, there are 29% of the participants are qualified their APET during 2018 whereas 71% of the participant not qualified.

Descriptive Statistics are used for the research quantitative descriptions in a manageable form. Descriptive statistics help to streamline large amounts of data in a sensible way. Each descriptive statistic reduces lots of data into a simpler summary.
Self-Produced data

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
S1 100 1 5 3.92 .939
S2 100 2 5 3.78 .629
S3 100 1 5 3.16 .918
S4 100 1 5 3.72 .780
S5 100 1 5 3.31 1.237
S6 100 1 5 3.62 1.071
Valid N (listwise) 100
Table 4.1: Descriptive statics for Self-Produced data
Source: Survey data, (2018)

29. According the survey data findings, the table shows that minimum, maximum, mean and the standard deviation of the independent variable as Technology. Due to the findings, the descriptive statics shows that most of the respondents are agreed to this independent variables questionnaire.


Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
B1 100 1 5 3.91 .922
B2 100 2 5 3.75 .642
B3 100 2 5 3.31 .884
B4 100 1 5 3.73 .763
B5 100 1 5 3.41 1.207
B6 100 1 5 3.59 1.102
Valid N (list wise) 100
Table 4.2: Descriptive statics for Behaviour
Source: Survey data, (2018)

30. According the survey data findings, the table shows that minimum, maximum, mean and the standard deviation of the independent variable as Decision Making. Due to the findings, the descriptive statics shows that most of the respondents are agreed to this independent variables questionnaire.

Military career and life style

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
M1 100 2 5 3.96 .852
M2 100 2 5 3.79 .608
M3 100 2 5 3.34 .890
M4 100 1 5 3.70 .759
M5 100 1 5 3.59 1.173
M6 100 1 5 3.62 1.071
Valid N (list wise) 100
Table 4.3: Descriptive statics for Military career and life style
Source: Survey data, (2018)
31. The above table shows that minimum, maximum, mean and the standard deviation of the independent variable as Financial. Due to the findings, the descriptive statics shows that most of the respondents are agreed to this independent variables questionnaire.

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
BMI1 100 2 5 3.94 .862
BMI2 100 2 5 3.74 .705
BMI3 100 1 5 3.28 .954
BMI4 100 2 5 3.82 .730
BMI5 100 1 5 3.48 1.105
BMI6 100 2 5 3.84 .677
Valid N (list wise) 100

Table 4.4: Descriptive statics for BMI
Source: Survey data, (2018)

32. The above table shows that minimum, maximum, mean and the standard deviation of the independent variable as Organizational. Due to the findings, the descriptive statics shows that most of the respondents are agreed to this independent variables questionnaire.


33. The questionnaire of the reliability has been appraised through Cronbach’s Alpha. It is measured the internal consistency. Cronbach’s alpha was calculated by application of SPSS for reliability analysis. The value of the alpha coefficient ranges from 0-1. This value is used to define the reliability of factors or scales. A higher value shows a more reliable generated scale.

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach’s Alpha Number of Items
.657 6

Table 4.5: Reliability statics for Self-produced data
Source: Survey data, (2018)
34. The Cronbach’s Alpha of independent variable (Self-produced data) was received .657. It refers the (;0.5) acceptance level of internal consistency for the scale with specific sample questionnaire that have been received from the research participants.
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach’s Alpha No of Items
.705 6

Table 4.6: Reliability statics for Behavior
Source: Survey data, (2018)
35. The Cronbach’s Alpha of independent variable (Behavior) was received .705. It refers the (;0.5) acceptance level of internal consistency for the scale with specific sample questionnaire that have been received from the research participants.
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach’s Alpha N of Items
.670 6

Table 4.7: Reliability statics for Military career and Life style
Source: Survey data, (2018)

36. The Cronbach’s Alpha of independent variable (Military career and Life style) was received .670. It refers the (;0.5) acceptance level of internal consistency for the scale with specific sample questionnaire that have been received from the research participants.
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach’s Alpha Number of Items
.626 6

Table 4.8: Reliability statics for BMI
Source: Survey data, (2018)
37. The Cronbach’s Alpha of independent variable (BMI) was received .626. It refers the (;0.5) acceptance level of internal consistency for the scale with specific sample questionnaire that have been received from the research participants.

38. “Correlation is a bivariate analysis that measures the strength of association between two variables and the direction of the relationship. In terms of the strength of relationship, the value of the correlation coefficient varies between +1 and -1.” “A value of ± 1 indicates a perfect degree of association between the two variables” (Statics Solution, 2018). As the correlation coefficient value goes towards 0, the relationship between the two variables will be weaker. The direction of the relationship is indicated by the sign of the coefficient; a + sign indicates a positive relationship and a – sign indicates a negative relationship (Statics Solution, 2018).


Self-Produced Data BMI
Self-Produced Data Pearson Correlation 1 .863**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 100 100
Body Mass Index Pearson Correlation .863** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 100 100
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Table 4.9: Correlation between Correlation between self-produced data and BMI
Source: Survey data, (2018)
39. The research study analysis output of Pearson correlation shows that there is high positive relationship between Correlation between self-produced data and BMI. The significant correlation of .885 (p- value


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