The activities that revolve around the development and growth of a young child and the various relations and connections with their parents is a summary of our opinions as individual parents

The activities that revolve around the development and growth of a young child and the various relations and connections with their parents is a summary of our opinions as individual parents

The activities that revolve around the development and growth of a young child and the various relations and connections with their parents is a summary of our opinions as individual parents. As much as Theodore Roethke’s relationship with his father has disparities from the relationship of Robert Hayden and his father, they are equally contemplating back to their youthful stage and articulating the occasions in a poem. “My Papa’s Waltz” and “Those Winter Sundays” regarded by their children. These poems give an overview of a father’s relationship and his child when they are still a teenager. Both Theodore and Robert show that their fathers were not impeccable even though they all seem to admire the actions of their fathers. In most societies, fathers are viewed as the sole breadwinners who spend time with their family and is responsible for taking care of their children with mutual love and respect. There is a great connectedness between “My Papa’s Waltz” and “Those Winter Sundays” poems, in terms of theses and character development.
Differences between “My Papa’s Waltz” and “Those Winter Sundays” Poems
In the poem “My Papa’s Waltz” by Theodore Roethke, he recalls of his childhood days whereby it seems like a usual occurrence. It is absurd that his father comes home at night while drunk and starts dancing with him all over the compound. Theodore further explains that the hands of his father appeared injured on one finger and were awfully mucky. They “danced until the pans slid from the kitchen shelf”. His mother became very angry at this actions but could nothing other than watch in pure dismay. In the end, his father staggered around and “Waltzed” him to bed.
In the poem “Those Winter Sundays” by Robert Hayden, he tries to expound clearly on the memories of his childhood days. Every Sunday morning, just as all other mornings, his father would be the first one to wake up and dress in the cold darkness. He began by looking for firewood which was just outside the compound, split it and make the house warm by building a fire within the house. Immediately the house became warm, he would call everyone out of bed so that5 we could share the little that was around. His father, however, would be given any gratitude over this but it nevertheless seemed normal to everyone in the family.
While both speakers are describing a memory of their father’s, their tones tend to imply rather different imitations and impressions. Both narrators have varying tones in the poems. The poem “My Papa’s Waltz,” has more of an affectionate tone. The speaker appreciates the time he spent with his father and has embraced the memory of the “waltz” they shared. In “Those Winter Sundays,” there is an expression of sorrow and regret. The young boy is obviously regretful and full of sorrow by the way he failed to appreciate his father’s efforts in managing the family. He qualms for not being appreciative of the way his father’s “hands ached,” (third line) and “speaking “indifferently to him,” (tenth line). The narrator, now a mature adult, is regretful for not expressing gratitude for his dad’s efforts and struggles when he was still a young man. This is shown in line 13, “What did I know, what did I know?”
Similarities between “My Papa’s Waltz” and “Those Winter Sundays” Poems
In both poems, the poets have indirectly expressed their undying love for their fathers and each being proud of them. In “My Papa’s Waltz”, the title itself portrays a feeling of affection and compassion. In most societies, whenever a child refers to their father as “Papa”, it depicts a dear association in whereby the child honors and esteems his dad. The term “Waltz” implies a jovial dance usually associated with persons having good fortunes and money. It is rather sarcastic since Theodore’s dad is very drunk and muddy during the “dance,” but the perception behind the “waltz” dance suggests a dance in an extraordinarily expensive place between two rich individuals. Another illustration of a kid’s affection and honor for his dad is portrayed in the situations he assumes for the sake of continuing to dance with his father. “The whiskey from his father’s breath could make a small boy dizzy’; (1-2), the child hung on like death’; (3).”
Theodore and Robert express their revelations of the characters and duties of the father in both poems that are distinctive but with a similar impression. Even though in Robert Hayden’s poem, “Those Winter Sundays”, has no assonance or tempo, it is a precise, lovely, clear and influential poem that expresses implicit love between a father and the son. Hayden gives an environment that is complete with guilt. The son is the participant storyteller. He explains clearly to the targeted audience from the present-day about his youthful stage and comprehends that he was not keen enough to appreciate his father’s life. Even though every Sunday his father would be the usual early riser to split firewood and warm the house, nobody thought of giving him any form of gratitude. In the initial stanza, it shows the kind of work the father used to do. The “cracked hands” are a representation of hard work, but could also be a sign of love. The best assumption would be that the narrator of the poem is now a mature person and has realized that the activities of his father wer5e all because of love to his family. So, the narrator is around personality. The chilly and miserable weather conditions also have a massive association with the characters and the poem itself.
Although the two narrators of the poems have different memories and episodes of their childhood interactions with their father’s, they both gratify their father’s role in the family, their hard work and the moments they had together. In line 16 of “My Papa’s Waltz,” Theodore Roethke indicates that he appreciates the waltz dance with his father by stating, “Still clinging to his shirt.” Robert Hayden expresses his love for his father in “Those Winter Sundays” by stating, “What did I know, what did I know of love’s austere and lonely offices?” When he was still a young man, he never understood the hard work his father was going through to take care of them, but now he can clearly get the picture. The two poems are similar in topic but vary in theme, subject, tone and voice of the speaker.


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