Suzanne Gordon has been writing book about nursing from two decades

Suzanne Gordon has been writing book about nursing from two decades

Suzanne Gordon has been writing book about nursing from two decades. Chicken soup isn’t enough book (Gordon. 2010) is the collection of nursing experience from all over the world. While reading a story ‘A Comfortable Cover Up’ story, I can visualize myself as a patient and how I will feel. However, this story struck me how the nurse advocate the Maori and Pacific Islander patient’s discomfort of operating gown, as gown is open-backed nightie and one size fits all. Maori and Pacific Islander tradition is to cover their legs but wearing an operating gown is inappropriate in their culture. Even I feel uneasy wearing that gown and walking between wards.
Values represent the living standard, which guide and enable us to rationalize our attitudes and actions (Rassin, M. 2008). As being a theatre nurse, she has seen patient from all ages who were feeling discomfort and uneasiness wearing gown. I believe, as a nurse, she advocate for someone who is afraid to speak up for himself or herself.
Our behaviours and attitudes affect values and beliefs, which is often silence, and make assumptions (Manley, 2000, pp 34-38). Being an ordinary person, I believe in respect, values and assumption, which reflect in my profession and affect the workplace environment and people working with me. I have been working as an Assistant in Nursing for more than 7 years and I have advocated the values and rights on the behalf of residents and co-workers against the management, and or resident’s family.
After listening the inspiration interview video of Suzanne Gordon, I have learned about supporting and advocating the patients by speaking and raising the voice. In her interview she talks about how we as a nurse need to show the competency of the knowledge rather than just showing sweetness and lovely nature (Nursingideas. 2009). By exploring the unit and attending the lecture and workshop, I learned about the self-awareness, self-reflection and values of self and others, active listening, solution-focused nursing, and most importantly person-centred practice. The core of person-centred care is to know self, clarifying values and beliefs and encourage knowing about the values of patient as well. (McGance and McCormak. 2016). Active learning will lead us to find the way to respond the challenges in workplace. But due to lack of broad knowledge and experience, it will be challenging for me as being a student nurse. However, after completing this unit, I believe I can demonstrate effective communication skills, cultural safety nursing and advocate patient for their better outcome. Effective communication can build the trust and feel more connected to each other. Holistic approach nursing practices also promote the good communication skills and discourage us as a task oriented nurse. As an example from this story, that theatre nurse was not only doing on her task, she was focusing the patient as a person and feel the feelings of the patient.


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