Photosynthesis is the conversion of the energy of a set into chemical energy

Photosynthesis is the conversion of the energy of a set into chemical energy

Photosynthesis is the conversion of the energy of a set into chemical energy. Under the influence of electromagnetic radiation of the visible spectrum, water and carbon dioxide are converted into molecular oxygen and glucose, as is the separation of water into hydrogen and oxygen.

Thus, artificial photosynthesis has two directions, tasks:

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Transformation of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (combating the greenhouse effect, pollution and as a by-product – fuel and other compounds).
Obtaining hydrogen from the water, which will be used to generate electricity and as fuel.
Artificial photosynthesis became possible due to the use of artificial nanoscale supramolecular systems.

Conversion of carbon dioxide
The principle of the system of artificial photosynthesis involves the conversion of atmospheric carbon dioxide into organic compounds using light energy.

The resulting chemical formations will later be used for the production of fuel, various types of plastics and pharmaceuticals. In addition to the energy of the sun, the chemical reaction does not require additional power supplies.

The technology of artificial photosynthesis makes it possible to convert carbon dioxide to methanol. The innovative system is powered by special bacteria and sunlight energy. This development will allow humanity to reduce the use of fossil energy sources – coal, oil and natural gas.

The technology of converting CO2 on an industrial scale should change many of the environmentally negative processes on the planet. In this field, many specialists see a way to combat global warming.

Option of installing artificial photosynthesis
In the process of natural photosynthesis, the leaves use solar energy to process carbon dioxide, which reacts with water and forms the biomass of the plant. In the system of artificial photosynthesis, nanowires of silicon and titanium dioxide receive solar energy and deliver electrons to Sporomusa ovata bacteria, so that carbon dioxide is processed and reacts with water, yielding various chemical substances, including acetates.

Genetically modified bacteria Escherichia coli are able to transform acetates and acetic acid into complex organic polymers, which are “standard blocks” for the production of polymers of RNV, isoprene and biodegradable n-butanol. The compounds obtained are part of the common chemical products – from paint and varnish materials to antibiotics.

Artificial leaf
The efforts of the English scientist Julian Melkyorri developed a synthetic sheet capable of performing the functions of photosynthesis. An artificial green leaf uses chloroplasts obtained from ordinary plants. According to the technology, chloroplasts are placed in a protein environment, due to which they are evenly distributed throughout the thickness of the liquid and do not coagulate. It is assumed that this development will be used in urban conditions for the production of oxygen. It is possible that the synthetic sheet will find application in the field of space research.

Such a symbiosis of semiconductor elements with living organisms can become the foundation for the further development of a programmable system of photosynthesis, which will produce a wide range of organic substances, using only solar energy for this. If the future system works correctly, mankind will be able to create plastic and fuel oil literally from the air.

Energy from photosynthesis
Like natural solar energy converters, artificial photosystems should consist of such components:

Solar radiation catcher,
The reaction center,
A means of storing the energy received.
The most important task that is solved in laboratories is an increase in the efficiency of artificial photosynthesis. Therefore, much of the work boils down to finding the best materials for creating each of the above blocks.

The system of artificial photosynthesis with high efficiency and nanoscale is expected in robotics, in particular in the sphere of nanorobots creation, where the issue of energy supply is one of the key.


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