Category: Environment

Facts about Australia 1

Facts about Australia 1. About 85% of Australians population lives within 50 km of the coastal zone. 2. Australia is one of the least densely populated countries in the world. 3. Price of electricity in Australia is the highest in the world. 4. Fraser -The largest sand island in the world is also in Australia. …

The Amazon Rainforest and Climate Change By Arash Hozhabri

The Amazon Rainforest and Climate Change By Arash Hozhabri "The ecosystem’s response is lagging behind the rate of climate change" (Muelbert, 2018). Research done by the University of Leeds shows that over the past 30 years, higher c02 levels, high temps, and droughts have increased the mortality rates of thousands of tree species. Also, the …

ParanoiaParanoia his church. He was obsessed with any

ParanoiaParanoia is the underlying factor of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. Samuel Parris had a great terror of Satan arming his foes to destroy both him and his church. He was obsessed with any sinfulness that he saw. Although it was not just Reverend Parris that had these beliefs. It was the paranoid society, …

ABSTRACT The study of this report was to analyse phosphate in a solution

ABSTRACT The study of this report was to analyse phosphate in a solution. The main objective was to determine the concentration of phosphate in an unknown solution. The level of phosphate in the sample solution was evaluated by molybdenum phosphorus blue method. A spectrophotometer was used with which the absorbance of the solutions provided were …

Computer In one of the cases I

Computer crime has increased in resent years. The book gives several examples of past computer crimes. Before reading chapter 2 I thought that computer crimes only involved crimes that where associated with hacks. But I learned that a computer crime is a crime that involved a computer in any way. Even if it was just …

Peripatric speciation happens once alittle cluster of people break off of the most cluster to make a replacement species

Peripatric speciation happens once alittle cluster of people break off of the most cluster to make a replacement species. the same as allopatric evolution, the 2 teams area unit separated by physical barriers resembling mountain ranges or waterways, creating it nearly not possible for the 2 teams to hybridize. within the smaller cluster that had …


Theme : Hygiene and Waste Problem Watch Around You and Take an Action Indonesia is a country with so many natural beauty. Indonesia has many mountains, beaches, lakes, and stunning sea floor. But recently, the problem about the hygiene and waste in Indonesia is very worrying. Environmental conditions are less organized and so many waste …

Indian Army is a regiment system with three major parts – land forces

Indian Army is a regiment system with three major parts – land forces, navy and air force. The supreme commander of the three armies is himself the President of India, who has direct control in his hands. 2 They renounce everything for us and our country. They leave all the comforts to secure their family, …


We, humans, create about 246 million tons of waste each year and depend on many things for our environment, to satisfy our various needs and in the process of our developments, we create or produce a lot of things which most of the time have no use for us and we simply just throw them …

To begin with

To begin with, Philippines is an Island country located in the eastern part of Southeast Asia. It is about “1000 kilometres from the south coast of the mainland, lying on the western margin of the Pacific Ocean between 210.55′ east and 126036′ east of longitude” (Sue, 2004 p.1). The location of the country gives moderate …


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