Category: Design

The Monroe Doctrine Centennial half dollar was an American fifty-cent piece struck at the San Francisco Mint in 1923

The Monroe Doctrine Centennial half dollar was an American fifty-cent piece struck at the San Francisco Mint in 1923, bearing portraits of former presidents James Monroe and John Quincy Adams. Sculptor Chester Beach is credited with the design, although the reverse closely resembles an earlier work by Raphael Beck. The commemorative coin was issued to …

In summary

In summary, for speech and language processing, years of research progress now underpins numerous commercial applications, and these advancements are clearly migrating into everyday use. Even so, a number of important and interesting challenges not only remain but have been created as these technologies migrate into real-world applications. Language is one of the major concerns …

Fear the number

Fear the number, 666 The mark of the beast, 666 has been a number feared since the stone ages. But, why is the number so feared and what does it truly represent? People say it represents the evilest anyone can think of. The number of the devil that brings curses to all upon them. Only …

Various has been a symbol of a highly

Various elements are combined to formulate the idea of style. They include the clothes people wear, the way one walks and even how people talk. However, one element that forms the relationship between style and lifestyle is hair. According to many people their hair is one feature that places them in a category separate from …

At the beginning of the

At the beginning of the 20th century there wasn’t much discussion about the dress code in schools. During that time kids weren’t dressing so provocative. Now that we are so close to the 21st century. There is a big controversy between the students and the schools about the dress code especially in public schools. The …

Savior.. that of a philosopher. He had

Savior.. or Destroyer?Warren ParkerOctober 6th, 1998Gaius Marius was the Janus-faced savior of Rome. On one hand his sweeping military reforms intensified Romes might at a crucial time, during the Jugurthine war, saving Rome from the steady advance of their Italian enemies. On the other, his no-frills military-minded personality drove him to push those away who …

The Constitution of one’s United States stands as a bondsman of liberties and also a set of laws who reduce the sphere and tool of our nationwide power

The Constitution of one’s United States stands as a bondsman of liberties and also a set of laws who reduce the sphere and tool of our nationwide power, not a “breathing detail” whichever is regularly developing in addition to a bondsman of not anything. Our laws and the Constitution over are shiftable. This is really …

Places are experienced in the context of everyday life and are mainly identified with stability

Places are experienced in the context of everyday life and are mainly identified with stability. As Australian professor Kim Dovey states in his book Becoming Places: Urbanism/ Architecture/ Identity/ Power, the ‘sense of place’, ‘character’ and ‘identity’ of a place are considered as relatively stable. Still, Dovey adds to this by stating that the various …

This preference uses symbolism and different formats

This preference uses symbolism and different formats, fonts and colors to emphasise important points. It does not include video and pictures that show real images and it is not Visual merely because it is shown on a screen. You want the whole picture so you are probably holistic rather than reductionist in your approach. You …

Eleanor Roosevelt and President Franklin Roosevelt entered the White House during the Great Depression

Eleanor Roosevelt and President Franklin Roosevelt entered the White House during the Great Depression. The Great Depression was a severe worldwide recession that started in 1929 and ended in 1939. Because the United States was falling apart, the President and Congress created ideas for an economic recovery known as the New Deal. The New Deal …


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