Animal the used of preventive vaccinesthat were

Animal the used of preventive vaccinesthat were

Animal RightsAnimal rights is a very fragile topic. Opposing sides have strongreasons to stand for either of their believes, leading to many ethical questions.One of the major questions is who is right and who is wrong? There is no oneright answer, but instead million of them based upon our own individual opinion,and the opinions are formed on how we feel about the facts. Animal research,test, and use has taken humanity a long way, with its advances in medicine andas a major source of food, but it is not morally correct to abuse, test, use,and ultimately kill the animals unnecessarily, especially for our comforts,luxuries, and greed.Many benefits have been obtained through animals, mostly in the field ofMedicine.

The medical world has rapidly moved forward finding cures for manydiseases through animal testing, giving new alternatives and shining a new lightfor illnesses that did not have a cure before. Working with animals likemonkeys and dogs have resulted in successful open heart surgeries on people, aswell as organ transplants, and the cardiac pace maker.The disease polio, which killed and disabled many children, is almostcompletely vanished from the United States by the used of preventive vaccinesthat were perfected on monkeys. Not only polio, but also mumps, measles,rubellaand smallpox have been eliminated through antibiotics tested on monkeys. Majordiseases have been alleviated and have had major advances totheir cure, diseasessuch as leukemia in children among other types of cancerand tumors. Animalsnot only contribute greatly in medicine, but through out the history of humankind they have been consumed as food, being a majorsource for the basicnutrition.

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Unfortunately, some research has gone too far, putting many animalsthrough unnecessary pain. According to Jean Bethke Elshtain, a CentennialProfessor of Political Science at Vanderbilt University, the abuse that animalsgo through is intolerable. Monkeys are dipped in boiling water and pigs areburnt, without any type of painkillers to see how they react to third degreeburns. Even more horrifying is the fact that dogs and other animals are leftwithout care bearing open incisions, infected wounds, broken bones among otherthings in a miserable atmosphere, surrounded by rotting food and their own feces.What breaks my heart to read is how when some animals are being tested, theresearchers sometimes remove the defenseless animals vocal chords by anoperation called centriculocordectomy, so this way they will not hear theanimals’ cries, groans and yelps while they are being experimented on.Research it’s not only limited to the medical field, but also in many otherareas. “Monkeys are the most likely subjects of experiments designed to measurethe effects of neutron-bomb radiation and the toxicity of chemical warfareagent.

….Radiation experiments on primates continue.

Monkeys’ eyes areirradiated, and the animals are subjected to shocks of up to 1,200 volts.”Monkeys are exposed to these radiations to observe how cancer progresses. Butwhat observers actually see is “primates that are so distressed that they clawthemselves and even bite hunks from their own arms and legs in a futile attemptto stop the pain.” The pain these animals endure and go through is unbearableand unnecessary, other means could be use to do the research, considering manytimes these type of research is unnecessary. Even worse is the fact thatanimals are been used in the production of things such as make-up and householdproducts. Is it really necessary for a whale to die so we can wear lipstick forcouple of hours, or so we can wax our floors? The price of these commodities isridiculous, an animal should never even be at risk of been hurt for suchsuperficial things. Many companies such as Gillette test their products onanimals before putting them on the public market.

This is simply cruel,animals are hurting and dying for things that are superficial. The worst isthe FUR COATS!!! It is a greedy murder.If anything we are the ones that owe the animals a great debt. Withoutthemwe would be years behind in medicine and many things that are done nowwouldnot be able to be accomplished. But how far are we willing to go forthesake of medicine, technology, comforts, luxuries and looks? Is alltheseworth the death and abuse of millions of animals? The answer is no.Grantedthat they have helped us greatly in the ordeal of human kind, by lettingustest on them and eat them, we are ultimately responsible for most of thediseases and the habits and they should not pay for it. Even in the name ofMedical Science, the life of an animal that is taken unnecessarily was a mistakethat will never be repaired.

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