The researcher in the present study explores the merits of audiovisuals in the process of learning the second language

The researcher in the present study explores the merits of audiovisuals in the process of learning the second language

The researcher in the present study explores the merits of audiovisuals in the process of learning the second language. The phenomenon of learning English as the second language is compared with the audiovisuals and GTM. The researcher interpreted the analysis under the qualitative paradigm. The participants of the study were four teachers to whom the researcher asks for different audiovisuals in terms of learning the second language that can be more supportive in understanding the advantages of audiovisuals. All the participants provide their response to the focus group interviews. The interviews are then transcribed to get the data that was central to the research question of the study. The study reveals that GTM approach to the learning of the second language should be replaced, as the four teachers who taught in both the method, found that audiovisuals keep students more energetic and vigilant in the class. Moreover, the students learn rapidly through audiovisuals as compared to the GTM.


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