Category: Psychology

Truth is the main weapon which can influence a man to win a fight

Truth is the main weapon which can influence a man to win a fight. It is a pen that can compose anything without anybody’s fear; it is a diversion in which who takes after its one brilliant control can never lose it; it is a tree that never loses its abandons; it is a waterway …

Something a mountain range, river channel migration, the

Something happened 65 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period, something so devastating that it altered the course of life on earth. It seems like it happened so sudden, as geologic time goes, that almost all the dinosaurs living on earth disappeared. So how did these dominant creatures just die off? Was …

SAN FRANCISCO — When new representatives join Uber

SAN FRANCISCO — When new representatives join Uber, they are requested to buy in to 14 center organization esteems, including making strong wagers, being “fixated” with the client, and “dependably be hustling’.” The ride-hailing administration especially accentuates “meritocracy,” the possibility that the best and brightest will ascend to the best in view of their endeavors, …

xpressionBody a means of adornment. Whateverthe reason, it’s

xpressionBody Piercing:Reclamation, Enhancement, and Self-ExpressionbyJason C. HillmanIn America the practice of body piercing is everywhere, especially among young people. who are getting several parts of their bodies pierced either as an affirmation of their personal individuality, as a means of sexual gratification or stimulation, a reclamation of their bodies from physical or emotional trauma, or …

As we all know

As we all know, crime is an action which is something that we are not supposed to encourage. We need to be cautious and stay alert even if it is broad daylight. We can describe the definition of crime as an action that is punishment by the law known as a crime. Many actions of …

Oedipus disaster in many different forms. In Oedipus

Oedipus and Mike Tyson, the former heavy weight champion of the world, are similar in how their anger led to their destruction. In Oedipus case, his flaw annihilated him to the point of no return. In Mike Tysons case, he becomes physically and mentally unable to perform in the ring.It is obvious that Oedipus is …

Stress could also be depending upon our behavior

Stress could also be depending upon our behavior. It means sometime our behavior about work could also cause stress if we over scheduling our workload and not careful about physical health and failed to maintain the health. Stress and threats varies from person to person it depends heavily based on their past life experiences. Some …

Micronutrient deficiency is a term used to describe the absence of important vitamins and minerals in minute portions for adequate growth or development of the human body A problem usually related with the cause-effect of malnutrition

Micronutrient deficiency is a term used to describe the absence of important vitamins and minerals in minute portions for adequate growth or development of the human body A problem usually related with the cause-effect of malnutrition, micronutrient deficiency is a huge part of the dearth of diseases which consists of the global burden of disease. …

Flannery O’Connor composed a short story entitled

Flannery O’Connor composed a short story entitled, “Revelation” revealing Southern superiority. During O’Connor’s time, prejudiced against other races were at a high. Southerners believe other races were beneath them; therefore, they treated them different and called them racial slurs. Mrs. Turpin is an example of Southern superiority, where she feels superior to other races and …

One may wish to give information or to inform

One may wish to give information or to inform, and this is may become a motivating factor. The wish to give information may involve educating people or even for social interaction. In this situation we may also involve an approach of Behavior Change Communication (BCC) which is an interactive way of promoting positive behavior change …


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