Poverty contribute to homelessness in a significant way while low income is the primary factor that cause poverty

Poverty contribute to homelessness in a significant way while low income is the primary factor that cause poverty

Poverty contribute to homelessness in a significant way while low income is the primary factor that cause poverty. Manufacturing job today in America are in a decline while relatively low payment service job such as housekeeping, fast food industries and cashiers are in the rise. Although many of the homeless are found to be employed, their wages are often insufficient to afford housing, daily necessities and education which force them to leave their home. According to National Coalition for the Homelessness (2007), study found that the minimum salaries in 2004 was 26% fewer than 1979. The long-term declining wages trend combine with a high living In America, approximately 3 million individuals and family slip into homelessness each year (APA, 2018).


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