One legislation that influences professional practise in nurseries – and other childcare services is the regulation of Care

One legislation that influences professional practise in nurseries – and other childcare services is the regulation of Care

One legislation that influences professional practise in nurseries – and other childcare services is the regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001. The main focus of this act is to improve the standards of social care services (– including childcare, child minding, school care, and nursery services). The act was set up by the Care Commission, which inspects and registers all the services regulated under the Act and takes into account Scotland’s national care standards issued by Scottish Ministers. These standards are written from the perspective of a person who uses services and set out what can be expected from a service (in this case the child and the nursery service). It ensures that children and all other recipients of these services are provided with the highest quality care and are being given the rights they are entitled to. The act affects services like nurseries as, far more care services and staff come under much more scrutiny and have to obey to established standards. It also inspects services to make sure that they are meeting the regulations that are expected, and ensures childcare professionals are carrying out their job to the highest standards, in addition it affects those who want to provide early education and childcare services as it assess their application forms. The failure of a care service or an individual working for a care service to comply with the Act and any associated regulations means that they can be de-registered and no longer be able to provide services.


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