Natural immunity and mutation better prepares crops for health and disease control in comparison to genetic engineering

Natural immunity and mutation better prepares crops for health and disease control in comparison to genetic engineering

Natural immunity and mutation better prepares crops for health and disease control in comparison to genetic engineering. The process of genetic engineering allows for the gene configuration and structure to be genetically altered. It is the deliberate modification of the DNA sequence occurring through the direct manipulation of the organism’s genes using biotechnology through the use of biological laboratory procedures in this case of genetic engineering it has been used for the genetic manipulation of microorganisms. DNA has to be added or subtracted to produce and create one or even more artificially new traits that were not found naturally in that organism before the genetic engineering process. Natural mutation is the normal type of naturally occurring alterations within the genome nucleotide sequence which occurs internally in a particular virus, organism or even extrachromosomal DNA. Natural mutation and immunity breeding is used by large amounts conventional plant breeders and is founded that natural mutation-bred plants have a much safer history and have shown not cause health or disease problems in not only the crops but also the humans consuming the yield.
Multiple issues have surfaced about the genetic modification with natural crops and organisms, legal rights on genetically engineered organisms, and various negative effects on the environment. One of the most visible negative aspects of genetic engineering and modification is the huge rise in production of genetically modified crops being sold for human consumption in order to elongate the survival of the particular crop regarding shelf life. For example, transgenic microbes are now capable in producing abnormally large of amounts of human proteins such as insulin and clotting factors in hopes for better health and disease control although realistically not benefiting the organism in the long term. As there is no positive gain for the long term extended amounts of proteins added to the organism and sold for human consumption as “the technology required must be applied on an individual basis with rather limited accessibility.” (Gert 2015)
Numerous case studies have been confirmed and investigated and have proven that compared to natural immunity and mutation genetic engineering has not offered better health outcomes. One of the individual case studies reflected genetically modified corn, and the abnormal changes in the gene structure that do not occur through natural development. In this case study the scientists have were able to use insertion of; animal DNA, herbicides, pesticides, and other items into the corn plants structure and which then inevitably offered the potential of future health and disease concerns for that crop yield and also the human. The proteins added to the corn significantly increase the chance of allergic reactions this was demonstrated during the study – Introduce this at the beginning of the paragraph it is your second point. If a human allergic to soybeans consumes genetically modified corn which comprises with soybean genetics there is an increased risk of an allergic reaction because of the genetically engineered DNA within.
As technology is constantly changing some believe that genetically engineered crops are the most economical way to produce crops in the future. The risk of crop failure may be slightly reduced when working with genetically engineered corn as due to the artificial genetics. Although there isn’t a single proven economic advantage from using genetically engineered crops – really?. Genetically engineered corn takes as long to develop and produce a yield as corn that undergoes natural mutation which further increases natural immunity not impacting human health and disease negatively. The artificially selected corn is treated as a commodity, the exact same as natural corn which trades at the same rate. Research conducted during a case study experiment displayed negative outcomes for health and disease. “Rats that were fed genetically modified corn that was tolerant to a particular herbicide developed higher rates of cancer and had an increased risk of tumour development and early death” (Vittana 2017). The study was compared to rats that were not fed the genetically modified corn, this particular study has also been republished and shows the evidence and results displaying the dangers of genetic engineering leading to damaging health and disease outcomes.
Diseases and plant viruses such as Fruit fly and Phytophthora blight have affected crops and are often spread by aphids and other insects which then cause considerable losses of food and crop production. In order to prevent food loss due to plant virus and disease the use of insecticides are widely used to eliminate the insects that spread viruses and disease from plant to plant. Genetic engineering has been trialled and tested using biotechnology through the forced interruption of plant virus and diseases using genetic engineering which relies on inserting a section of DNA with the corresponding virus gene into the chromosome of the individual plant. The DNA fragment that is inserted in the chromosome of the plant attempts in artificially blocking the virus’s ability to survive and multiply within that particular plant. This form of genetic engineering has been trialled in an attempt to be more resistant to viruses and disease. Even though less insecticide is used on the exterior of the plant this is counteracted by further affecting humans after consumption in relation to health and disease due to the insertion of artificial genetics directly into the centre chromosomes of the plant.
The genetic engineering process has been established not offer better outcomes for health and disease control in comparison to natural immunity and mutation. The overall effectiveness of natural immunity and mutation has been proven by secondary sources through case studies and experimentation. It was confirmed that rats fed genetically engineered corn developed higher rates of cancer, increased risk of tumour development and early death. Some believe due to the use of less herbicides artificially selected crops are economically beneficial although is treated the exact same as natural corn which trades at the same rate. Natural mutation and immunity breeding is used by large amounts conventional plant breeders and this is for obvious reasons as is founded that natural mutation-bred plants have a much safer history and have shown not cause health or disease problems in not only the crops but also the humans consuming the yield.


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