My goals for the functional area of professionalism is to maintain a commitment to professionalism

My goals for the functional area of professionalism is to maintain a commitment to professionalism

My goals for the functional area of professionalism is to maintain a commitment to professionalism. I will always look for the opportunities that help me through professionalism. I worked as a substitute and with a teacher in a preschool class, I learned that working with children means that the teacher is a lifetime learner. I have hands-on experience in art activities and circle time, keeping paperwork organized and offering outstanding services is essential to the school and families. I will use what I learned from my education to teach children, and I will ensure that the children and families under my supervision will experience a developmentally appropriate education that children deserve. My passion is all about working with children, families, and encourage them to experience what they love to do.
I like to subscribe to resources that have plenty of information about children’s development and milestones. Resources provide me the ideas that I can utilize in the classroom. I also share resources that help parents to understand about children’s growth. I adhere the NAEYC ethics code statement of commitment. The standards and criteria are the foundation of NAYEC accreditation for early childhood program. Also, my goal is to ensure that children feel safe, secure and build positive learning environment. I also respect families and children’s cultural differences and the situation with dignity.


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