INTRODUCTION TO EXTREME PROGRAMMING A step by step criteria that is used to analyze and upgrade the functional worth of a software program and its propensity to adjust to the ever-changing needs of the person or organization it was developed for also realizing that the primary mandate of the software will change depending on the new specifications imposed by the client

INTRODUCTION TO EXTREME PROGRAMMING A step by step criteria that is used to analyze and upgrade the functional worth of a software program and its propensity to adjust to the ever-changing needs of the person or organization it was developed for also realizing that the primary mandate of the software will change depending on the new specifications imposed by the client


A step by step criteria that is used to analyze and upgrade the functional worth of a software program and its propensity to adjust to the ever-changing needs of the person or organization it was developed for also realizing that the primary mandate of the software will change depending on the new specifications imposed by the client. Extreme programming renders to supply a much more intricate, iterative and consistently persistent issuing out of completed tasks throughout the cycle of developing project henceforth granting the customer and affiliates of the developing team to revise and follow through on what has been accomplished and to give a rough idea of what is left to be done. It is, in terms of classification, a light weight methodology that relies on small groups of developers.

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