Category: Art

One can be easily captivated by the song “This is America” by Childish Gambino and “Where is the love

One can be easily captivated by the song “This is America” by Childish Gambino and “Where is the love?”, sung by Black Eyed Peas, not only because of their upbeat tunes but the meanings behind it. With both lyrics expressing the hidden feelings of individuals and society in general, the songs address current ongoing issues …

Once inside the body the bacteria starts to reproduce rapidly

Once inside the body the bacteria starts to reproduce rapidly. It releases chemicals that stop the Normal immune responses causing the phagocytic cells to work. The bacteria also infects the lymph nodes. This is seen as a black swelling Creative Submissions – IDAHOBIT day Call for all artists to support LGBT+ community May 17th marks …

Upbringing Parents are responsible of what their children react or respond towards someone of different race

Upbringing Parents are responsible of what their children react or respond towards someone of different race. Everything parents do; whatever the thing good or bad, their children willadopted and take it as a habit. According to “Top 10 Reasons” parents have a significant effect on what their child believes and what they think. Every time …

Do you believe in ghosts

Do you believe in ghosts? This is one question that most people are asked but few ever give a direct answer. Now imagine you are in a dark room by yourself, preferably in a half lit basement. Even with the lights on, there is always that eerie feeling that you are not alone in the …

Neel Singh Ms

Neel Singh Ms. Hodder Science March, 28, 2018 Fracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing, is “the injection of fluid into shale beds at high pressure in order to free up petroleum resources (such as oil or natural gas)”1. Fracking is done primarily to access petroleum resources (oil, natural gas, etc). In an article published by …

Reading Questions 12-1

Reading Questions 12-1: Petrarch, Letter to Livy 1. Why did Petrarch admire Livy? Petrarch views Livy as a hard-working, perfect role model, as he claims that Livy wrote “one hundred and forty-two books on Roman affairs. With what fervor, with what unflagging zeal must though have labored, and of that entire number there are now …

The Middle Ages music was Monophonic and it was the only type of of music allowed

The Middle Ages music was Monophonic and it was the only type of of music allowed. For that reason they kept the Melodies clear and simple.Then when it was the Renaissance time (1400-1600) the people of the courts had more say in it which let them use more instruments. So another way that the Re?naissance …

The translation of the German titles means both “mirror in the mirror” and “mirrors in the mirror

The translation of the German titles means both “mirror in the mirror” and “mirrors in the mirror,” and this refers to the abundant images that are produced by parallel plane mirrors. Within the music, this sense of mirroring is achieved by the fragmented sections in the piano, which are continuously repeated with little variations, creating …


5158740-552450 CONTEXTUALIZATION AND LOCALIZATION IN MATHEMATICS TEACHING: EXPERIENCES OF TEACHERS IN BOGO A Dissertation Presented to The Faculty of the Graduate School of Education University of the Visayas Cebu City In Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of DOCTOR IN EDUCATION (Ed. D) Major in Educational Leadership and Administration KRISTHYL SUSVILLA ESTAY August 2018 …

Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within the other person’s frame of reference

Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within the other person’s frame of reference, i.e., the capacity to place oneself in another’s position. There are many definitions for empathy that encompass a broad range of emotional states, including caring for other people and having a desire to help …


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