Category: Decision Making

Understanding employee engagement is an important tool to the success and performance to every organisation

Understanding employee engagement is an important tool to the success and performance to every organisation. Macey et al (2009) defined employee engagement as an individual’s purpose and focused energy, evident to others in the display of personal initiative, adaptability effort and persistence directed towards organisational goals. In support, Alfes et al,(2010) defined employee engagement as …

Technology no doubt is driving development across the globe and the latest trend is the internet of things

Technology no doubt is driving development across the globe and the latest trend is the internet of things (IoT) which seeks to connect billions of people and device to the internet. Global attention is beginning to shift to the internet of things for smart city development in virtually all areas of human endeavors such as …

The discrimination does not go away. After

The Glass CeilingThe glass ceiling starts to form itself very early on. From the moment a woman enters the work force after college, she is faced with much discrimination and unjust belief that she will not be able to do as well of a job than a man. A man and a woman, who both …

To help producers of goods and services,

To export these goods you have to have an organization which deals with the rules of trade between nations. Such an international organization is the World Trade Organization (WTO). The goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business. Result: -is assurance-Consumers and producers know they can enjoy secure …


COLLEGE OF LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE INSTITUTE OF LEADERSHIP AND GOOD GOVERNANCE The Challenges of Good Governance in Selected Public Sector: In Case of Shabe Sombo Woreda Jimma Zone Oromia Regional State Ethiopia By Ashireka Aba Diga ECSU1600728 Advisor: Prof. Krishna Shekhar A Thesis Submitted to the Institute of Leadership and Good Governance Masters Program, Ethiopian …

omelessness has been a problem in American society for many generations

omelessness has been a problem in American society for many generations. There are countless amounts of people who live without a permanent home and lack the basic essentials of life, such as food,water, and clothes. It is likely when you walk or drive in your city that you will encounter a homeless person. Often when …

Air power is a concept which comprises of three fundamental elements

Air power is a concept which comprises of three fundamental elements: height, speed and reach. Height enables the observation and domination of activities in other domains; speed enables the rapid and responsive projection of power and reach enables adversaries to be influences, irrespective of their location . Continuing on from the definition from the Ministry …

AlcoholTeenagers what I will discuss in this paper.

AlcoholTeenagers today have no idea what alcoholism really is. They think that they can never become alcoholics. They think that it could never happen to them, but they are wrong. Stress, Family problems and the desire to be popular are wrong the cause of teenage alcoholism. Signs that a teenager has a drinking problem and …

As we reflect on the discipline of Psychology there are a couple of areas that are important for us to look at

As we reflect on the discipline of Psychology there are a couple of areas that are important for us to look at. In looking at Psychology it is important that we first take a look at the origins of psychology. To understand something, you must know where it comes from. Also included in the reflection …

ABSTRACT The study of the research that the buyers who acquires a product or commodity based on the guidance will look closely to the social media

ABSTRACT The study of the research that the buyers who acquires a product or commodity based on the guidance will look closely to the social media. (example like Facebook, twitter) This research reflects survey the type of the product purchase, price of the commodity and many other features of the product that are related to …


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