Weiss and Cropanzano

Weiss and Cropanzano

Weiss and Cropanzano (1996) stated to the search for a relationship between job satisfaction and job performance as the ‘Holy Grail’ of organizational behavior study, and the happy-productive worker hypothesis has been widely studied (e.g., Judge et al. 2001; Ledford 1999; Staw and Barsade 1993). The mutual theme running through these studies is the certainty that employees who are happier or more gratified with their job will also be well performers on those jobs. Despite the emotional relish of set conceptions of ‘happiness,’ job satisfaction scales do not typically emphasis on emotions, instead asking employees to amount their satisfaction with their wage, working conditions, job as a whole, etc. (e.g., Brayfield and Rothe 1951; Quinn 1979). Fisher (2000, 2003) recommends that this measurement decision contributes to feeble or varying findings.


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