The resident XY is a 52 years old Hispanic single man who was born on October 8th

The resident XY is a 52 years old Hispanic single man who was born on October 8th

The resident XY is a 52 years old Hispanic single man who was born on October 8th, 1965 in Bayamon Puerto Rico. He is diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, HIV/AIDS, CVA right side, Depression, chronic pain, and enlarge prostate. Also, resident has history of drug use and alcohol. His level of education is high school, but he completed two years in electrical engineering at college. Resident way of communication is verbal and clear. His preferred language is Spanish but understands some English as well. His past occupation was photographer. He uses a wheelchair and he is totally dependent due his condition. He has limited function of arms and poor fine motor skills. Resident wear glasses and needs book holders. XY interacts appropriately with peers and staff. However, he is a passive participant who requires reminding and assistance to attend activities. His emotional level shows that he has low self- esteem due his inability to do things by his own as before such as mobility. Moreover, his mental status shows that he is alert, oriented to person, time and place. His family and friends are the greater supporter. Resident enjoys go to trips, listen to salsa, read, watch tv, and play cognitive games such as cards. His hobbies and interests are music, paint and take photos. Lastly, he is an active participant in spiritual involvement.
1-Resident will reduce pain intensity.
Resident will learn management techniques to reduce pain by the 4th week of the program.
Intervention: Relaxation Group with Music; provide the necessary supplies such as iPad, CD player, pain level chart.
Provide type of music and songs of his interest.
Provide activities directions.
Provide escorted as needed.
Invite him to attend activities of his interest.
Provide monthly calendar of programs
Adaptation: The residents can only move one side of their body due to CVA, therapist will focus in the side that resident handle better and will place him near to the therapist.
Resident # 2
The resident MY is a 52 years old Hispanic single man who was born on March 2, 1965 in Puerto Rico. He is diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, Mood Disorder, Seizure Disorder, HIV, Hemiplegia left side, Mild Cognitive impairment, and Hepatitis C. Also, resident has history of drug use since he was 19(cocaine, Heroin and Benzo) smoker. His level of education is high school. His vision and hearing are normal. Resident way of communication is verbal and clear. His past occupation was construction work. The language spoken are English and Spanish. Unfortunately, he does not have the support from his family as much he wants, but his brother visits him sometimes. He uses a wheelchair by himself. XY is an active participant who attends activities independently, but TRS needs to be constantly reminds him. However, resident’s behavior is not appropriate as evidenced by yelling at others, cussing, verbal threats against staff and residents. Most of the time, inappropriate behaviors happen when he is around of a big group of people. In addition, his mental status shows that he is alert, oriented to person, time and place but with short attention span and forgetful. He enjoys listen to music, watch tv, gardening, bingo, and jingo. His hobby is to dance and listen to salsa music. Lastly, he has sympathy for the catholic religion.
1-Resident will experience enjoyment.
2- Resident will increase level of attention span.
Objective: Resident will choose 2 draws in each section of the Art and Craft program and will paint them, two days per week for 90 days.
Intervention: Arts and Craft Program; provide the necessary materials and supplies such as construction paper, crayon, apron, paint brushes, watercolors.
Provide monthly calendar and constantly remind him about programs.
Provide activities directions.
Provide draws relates to his interest
Monitor resident frequently. Talk with him concerning the importance of concentration to accomplish a specific task. It will help him to increase level of attention span.
Avoid large groups; due his inappropriate behaviors when being around crowded areas.
To assure that resident will stay focused, TRS will work with small group of people.
Assist the resident on how to use the materials and sit him next to the therapist due of his Hemiplegia.
Adaptation: bigger supplies such as paint brushes and place materials near to him so, he can reach them easily.
Resident # 3
Resident MD is a 61 years old Hispanic man, who was born on May 25th, 1956 in Puerto Rico. He is diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, Mood disorder, Hepatitis B ; C, Abdominal hernia, and Chronic Abdominal Pain. Also, resident has history of drug use. His level of education is second grade. His religion is Catholic, who always is in spiritual involvement. His past occupation was dishwasher in a Downtown Hotel. The language spoken are English and Spanish. Resident way of communication is verbal and clear. His mental status shows that he is alert, oriented to person, time and place. He uses a wheelchair and wears glasses. He is motivated to participate in activities of his interests. MD is an active participant who attends activities independently. Moreover, XY interacts appropriately with peers and staff. However, resident has difficulty in making friends and prefers small groups. He does not have any family support. Resident had an accident, which left him in a coma for two years. Lastly, resident’s hobbies are music and art and crafts activities.
Goal: Resident will increase socialization
Objective: after being invited him into art and crafts program, the client will initiate a conversation with 2 peers by the end of the session for 90 days.
Intervention: Arts and Craft Program; provide the necessary materials and supplies such as construction paper, crayon, apron, paint brushes, watercolors.
Provide monthly calendar.
Provide drawings of his interest.
Place him in a round table, so he can socialize with more than one peer.


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