The relationship between a patient and the nurse always has an impact on the outcome of the treatment

The relationship between a patient and the nurse always has an impact on the outcome of the treatment

The relationship between a patient and the nurse always has an impact on the outcome of the treatment. In many places it has been stated that the social exchange theory is a way to study the interactive relationship between a patient and a nurse. In this theory the society is interpreted as interactions between several people based on punishments and rewards. With the help of social exchange theories, the nurse can provide extensive healthcare in hopes of getting promoted or getting job satisfaction (Birtch and Chiang, 2016). The patient has every right to demand what sort of healthcare they might need. If a trustworthy relationship develops between the patient and the nurse than both benefit from it. According to social theory, it takes time for the trust to develop and the mutual commitment is achieved as a result (Xerri, 2013). These non-nursing theories are ethical to use in this field as they help to develop the nursing knowledge which further aids in developing a better patient-nurse interaction. The development of a better interaction makes it easier for the nurse to identify the needs of the patient. Yes, this theory is compatible with the values of nursing profession as it follows the nursing code of ethics and the policy of health organizations.
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