The quality of education will drop It is far from impossible to have free university education

The quality of education will drop It is far from impossible to have free university education

The quality of education will drop

It is far from impossible to have free university education, the cost of that would be very high and simply unsustainable.

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Of course the more graduates we have, the better, but how do we get to that? Making universities free is not the most appealing way out; the government already has a more than appropriate option, a student loan. Students get loans and pay them later when they start working, and that’s an awesome way to help citizens and not push the government to bankruptcy.

The quality of education would also suffer if university education is free. If this were to happen, there would be an increase in the number of students and the lecturers would become less because of poor payment.Even the few still lecturing for the sake of it would eventually lose motivation because of the miserable pay. So yes, with free university education, the country would have a great number of graduates, but of what quality?

Full government funding would be the kiss of death for university education; students wouldn’t even bother working hard knowing that everything is served on a silver platter. But with a glimpse of a parent’s struggle to get a child to the finish line, I’m certain very few would take that for granted and would refrain from just ‘chilling’ in hostels.

An understanding person will struggle to reap the fruits from the sweat of their loved ones.

It is fair and understandable to say that it makes more sense if there is free access to both primary and secondary education since the skills acquired during these periods are absolutely necessary for people to function effectively within society.

For university, well it’s an additional advantage but not as essential as the others in one’s capacity building. The cost is just too high, people may pay for it if they wish to indulge but it shouldn’t be viewed as an entitlement owed by the state to provide to everyone.

Universities should therefore let in smart people, irrespective of their financial background, which will in turn help finance capable people from disadvantaged backgrounds through planned government programs.


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