The main factors leading to fire substantial losses of mass scale are borne by the national economy during the burning of forest tracts

The main factors leading to fire substantial losses of mass scale are borne by the national economy during the burning of forest tracts

The main factors leading to fire substantial losses of mass scale are borne by the national economy during the burning of forest tracts. As a result of such natural disasters a large number of sites burn out on the planet every year. The flames for a short period of time exterminate millions of hectares of natural land. During the storming of the elements whole village’s settlements, people and animals die. A significant mass of forest fires is associated with the wrong interaction of man with nature. Similar disasters of a spontaneous nature were observed even in ancient times at the time of fire mining. Quite often the peasants deliberately set fire to a natural massif for the liberation of areas thereby obtaining land for plowing. As a result of fires burned coniferous forests and they are known to flare up instantly. The burning of grass in forest zones threatens the spread of fire to huge areas in some cases peat bogs begin to burn.
The degree of spread of forest fires is determined by the peculiarities of the climate of the area. Where there is humid cool and damp such cataclysms occur much less frequently which cannot be said about areas with arid climate. it is known that in the hot period the number of fires increases noticeably. In spring when there is still no fresh vegetation a large number of similar cataclysms are fixed and the mass plan. Other causes of fire are associated with the lack of warm weather during rainy days: the dryness of air and surrounding objects creates an increased danger. Often there are such situations in which burning dry forests create a favorable ground for the spread of fire to peat lands and for the occurrence of steppe fires to disperse the fire in such areas a small spark is enough to make a huge flame. So the main root causes of the emergence of fires in the green belt are: presence of a flammable layer; presence of dry and hot weather; figuring of the source of ignition.

Indicators of forestland burn ability
The degree of spread of forest fires depends on the presence of coniferous species in the massif. So, very quickly flares cedar, fir, spruce, pine, soil cover of moss, lichen, heather, dry grass and a large amount of debris.
Smaller rates of burning are typical for forest massifs consisting of hardwoods (birch, alder) and where there is a high level of soil moisture.
Fire forest zones are most often observed in the middle of the day and in the evening, by night these indicators are significantly reduced.
The appearance of a flame caused by a natural source is noticeably different from the factors associated with human actions. Lightning often infects trees located on high terrain, such a flame moves at a slow speed, moving down.
In this case, the destruction of forest areas in large volumes occurs very rarely. As a result of improper treatment of a person with fire, his rapid movement arises, which is dangerous for his consequences.

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