The first celebration of the Nativity of Christ took place on December 25

The first celebration of the Nativity of Christ took place on December 25

The first celebration of the Nativity of Christ took place on December 25, 354 AD . This day coincided with the peak of the celebration of the Birthday of the Invincible Sun, which, with the light hand of Emperor Aurelian, was recognized as the supreme God of the Roman Empire.
Interesting facts about Christmas
During Christmas holidays, almost every Christian church is being built a composition – the reconstruction of the birth of the Savior . A stable, a nursery, lambs and parents bending over the baby. The scene acquired its original appearance thanks to Saint Francis – a kind and sympathetic person, who has a unique ability to find a common language with any animals.
Interesting facts about Christmas
In the Christmas fasting, more allowances are allowed than in the Great, which precedes the Passover . On certain days, you can use vegetable oils, Cahors, low-fat fish. The Christmas eve ends, which the Catholics have on December 24, and the Orthodox on January 6th. On this day after the appearance of the first star in the sky, each believer should first try kutya, and then begin the main meal.
Interesting facts about Christmas
The tradition of sending cards to relatives and friends on Christmas Day arose in the middle of the 19th century. in England . Before that, people exchanged business cards and congratulatory letters with drawings. In order not to trouble himself with the manufacture of such presents, ser Henry Cole came up with a sketch of the first Christmas card, and the artist John Horsley helped to realize his idea. Together, 40 identical lithographs were produced, and after a while the original circulation reached thousands of copies.
Interesting facts about Christmas
The custom of decorating a Christmas tree on the eve of Christmas arose in Germany in the early 18th century. Resourceful Germans built the first Christmas trees from goose feathers.
Interesting facts about Christmas
Residents of the UK consider the plant-parasite mistletoe sacred, able to protect from evil spirits , so its branches are decorated with Christmas trees.
Interesting facts about Christmas
In the US, the first state that officially recognized Christmas as an official holiday was Alabama . This event occurred in 1836. In general, in the American continent in the middle of the XVII century. Open celebrations for the birth of the Savior were punished with severe fines. The basis for such a ban was the proclamation of a holiday as a triumph, which has nothing to do with Christianity.
Interesting facts about Christmas
Some Christmas symbols can often be seen in pre-holiday commercials . For example, a Snowman or a young deer with Rudolph’s glowing nose.
Interesting facts about Christmas
Christmas in Japan is a normal working day . In the evening, at a family dinner, people exchange gifts with each other, which symbolizes the exchange of gratitude for good deeds committed last year. Believers of Christians on this day visit the seriously ill in hospitals and help the provision of homeless people.
Interesting facts about Christmas
On Christmas Eve in many houses in Europe, a fireplace is lit, and a log is placed in the fire, generously watered with honey and sprinkled with bread grains . A pie is served at the table, inside of which the luckiest person can find a coin.
Interesting facts about Christmas
The biggest stocking for Christmas gifts was made in London in 2007 . Its length was almost 33 m, and width – 15 m.
Interesting facts about Christmas
In the UK, there is a legend that if on Christmas Eve to write on paper its most cherished desire and throw it into the oven, then the smoke will carry it to the Father Christmas, which the next day will leave in the appointed place gifts .
Interesting facts about Christmas
Some zoos in Europe after the holiday open points for the reception of Christmas trees, which you can feed animals .
Interesting facts about Christmas
The Christmas festival in Germany opens already in the first days of November . Particularly bright and noisy is the start of the Christmas season in Bonn, Düsseldorf and Cologne.
Interesting facts about Christmas
In Sweden, the decoration of the festive table is a small figure of a goat, made of straw . In Norway and Sweden at Christmas fairs straw stars and hearts are in great demand.


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