The environmental justice Atlas is an international collaboration that tracks land and energy conflicts around the world

The environmental justice Atlas is an international collaboration that tracks land and energy conflicts around the world

The environmental justice Atlas is an international collaboration that tracks land and energy conflicts around the world. There are top 10 environmental conflicts which find out by Environmental Justice Atlas (EJAs). A) Land grabbing – production of palm oil by booming is near the land grabbing surge for plantation which threatens communities. Plantation of palm oil creates their side effects like, replace food crop, deprive farmers for their land, and raise labour slave and environmental destruction like, deforestation, water pollution and fire. B) Renewable energy conflict – mega dams like Narmada in India and mega wind project in Mexico, Kenya an India. Other environmental conflicts namely, Mega-mining, Unburn able fuel, Trash economy, sand mafias, fighting for fish, china rising up, production of nuclear and popularity of pesticide.
The EJAs shows that people all over the world, organised in group and network for the kind of world they want to create, and promoting sustainability. Environmental conflict not creates any type of disturbance of government, flexible market solutions and technology. People only express grievance and their demand. They should lead us to better world for all. (Snorek, 2018)


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