The must be solved. From what I

The must be solved. From what I

The theories of development from birth to death are thought out in stages for both Piaget and Erikson. Piaget had the idea that people will undergo distinctive revolutions creating stages as they move from childhood to adolescence. Piaget’s theory of stages went Sensorimotor, Preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. Erikson’s theories have eight major challenges that must be confronted during a lifespan that require someone to rethink goals along with relationships. It goes hope, will, purpose, competence, fidelity, love, car, and wisdom.

Based off the stages, you can see that Piaget and Erikson saw development quite differently from each other. Piaget had the idea children could not tell their own perspective from another’s. It described someone’s development as something that can simply take off at certain specific ages. Erikson saw his stages as being caused by a conflict that must be solved. From what I can read into, it is crisis as in a turning point rather than a threat. There is also some elasticity chronologically speaking for Erikson’s.

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In summary, Piaget keys in on ability while Erikson focuses on more personal and social decisions.Although the focus is different, the similarities lie in the series of life events. They both go in order of the progression of age.

Erikson’s work is as useful today as it was when originally wrote out, His theories are still relative to a lot of modern ideals that people go through, so that holds influence and adds some validity to it (Cherry, 2011). The main gripe of criticism towards Piaget was the children researched were children of high-class well-educated professionals. With the sample size and the representing subject, generalizing for the masses.Piaget had the idea that children would automatically move to the next stage as if rigged to happen; however data suggests that environmental factors can play a role in development. (Cherry, Support and Criticism of Piaget’s Stage Theory, 2011) Works Cited Cherry, K.

(2011). Support and Criticism of Piaget’s Stage Theory. Retrieved October 25, 2011, from about. com: http://psychology.

about. com/od/piagetstheory/p/piagetcriticism. htm Cherry, K. (2011). Who Was Erik Erikson? Retrieved October 25, 2011, from psychology. about.

com: http://psychology. about. com/od/psychologystudyguides/a/eriksonguide.


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