Category: Violence

Shakespeare’s Macbeth is one of the renowned playwright’s darkest and most tragic works

Shakespeare’s Macbeth is one of the renowned playwright’s darkest and most tragic works. Internationally recognized as one of the four greatest tragedies, “the cursed play” has been read and performed throughout the literary-world for generations. Its leading characters, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, have often been credited for their similarities in disposition and nature. The once …

There is a definite change in tone in his next poem

There is a definite change in tone in his next poem, ‘Easter 1916’, where he now pays tribute to the very people he had derided in ‘September 1913’ for their lack of passion. These people have now died for a cause, and that cause was Ireland. Just like the martyrs of the previous poem, they …

Homer’s she begins trying to find a new

Homer’s poem The Odyssey depicts the tendency of people to ignore the consequences of their actions. Odysseus punished Penelope’s suitors without thinking of consequences that he would have to endure. He did not acknowledge the consequences because that would prevent him from doing what he wants to do. Odysseus wanted to kill the suitors; they …

SatanIn His power. The war in Heaven

SatanIn John Milton’s Paradise Lost, he tells of Satan’s banishment from Heaven. He and his brigade have plotted war against God and are now doomed to billow in the fiery pits of hell. Satan is a complex character with many meaningful qualities. The relationship between Satan’s qualities and Hell’s atmosphere tell the reader more about …

Tougher Laws on Animal Cruelty Imagine your skin being burnt

Tougher Laws on Animal Cruelty Imagine your skin being burnt, imagine your precious legs and arms being torn off savagely, imagine being kicked constantly, imagine losing your life just to provide entertainment for another species. This is what animal can go through every single day at the hands of us humans. And this is called …

Talcott Parsons stated that the nuclear family was the ideal family structure

Talcott Parsons stated that the nuclear family was the ideal family structure. He said that there were to irreducible functions of the family. These are the primary socialisation of the family and adult stabilisation. The primary socialisation of the children is where children learn to accept the values and norms of society and gender roles. …


1.0 INNLEDNING Dette kapittelet beskriver tema og begrunnelse for problemstillingen. Videre presenterer vi hensikten med oppgaven, før forskningsspørsmål og problemstilling introduseres. 1.1 Tema og begrunnelse for problemstillingen. Tema for denne oppgaven er arbeidsformer og forebyggingsstrategier relatert til voldsproblematikk. Vi er to studenter med sykepleiebakgrunn som har utarbeidet oppgaven. Etter å ha diskutert litt har vi …

Lord at meetings was a boy could

Lord of the FliesMy character in Lord of the Flies is Ralph. The theme of Lord of the Flies is how human beings’ natural defects are the cause of society’s problems. No matter how good the laws or governments are at controlling people’s savageness, the inherent evil in people will cause chaos. Ralph tries to …

Organized not satisfied with what is already known.

Organized religions are laden with the debris of archaic, superstitious images. Everywhere people go they are submerged in biblical ignorance, religious illiteracy and historical stupidity (Edelen, The 10 Commandments). People are surrounded by cultic codes and images at every turn. This must stop! One organization that is taking a stand is called The Freedom From …

An great living pillar. Another felt the trunk

An elephant was brought to a group of blind men who had neverencountered such an animal before. One felt a leg and reported that anelephant is a great living pillar. Another felt the trunk and reported that an elephant is a great snake. Another felt a tusk and reported that an elephant is like a …


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