Sociologists have been posed that social problems create disharmony and maladjustment but still the problems exist

Sociologists have been posed that social problems create disharmony and maladjustment but still the problems exist

Sociologists have been posed that social problems create disharmony and maladjustment but still the problems exist. Social problem is not welcomed in any society. A social problem is a condition that at least some people in a community view as being undesirable. According to Medical on medical terminology, social problems is “Situation affecting a significant number of people, that are believe to be sources of difficulty or threaten the stability of the community and that require programs amelioration.” From the definition, we know that social problems bring bad effects not only to individual but a large number of people. For that, there are some causes and effects that can be discuss from this matter.
Thesis statement:
i. Cause 1: Feeble mindedness of the individual and his physical disability.
ii. Cause 2: Immobility and weak social institutions.
iii. Effects 1: Harmony disturbed and in its stead in the society there is hostility and suspicion.

I. First Main Point: Feeble mindedness of the individual and his physical disability.
a. Sub point 1: weak in intellectual power
b. Sub point 2: cannot think through – the effects of doing his actions
c. Sub point 3: cannot make up mind or making right decision
II. Second Main Point: Immobility and weak social institutions.
a. Sub point 1: ignorance of the society – the society are not playing their part correctly to help the people who involve in social problems
b. Sub point 2: society choose to close their eyes and let them aggravate without reining in any negative influences detrimental to our younger generation
c. Sub point 3: family involvement – family should be the first to sense any problem that involve the teenagers
III. Third Main Point: Harmony disturbed and in its stead in the society there is hostility and suspicion
a. Sub point 1: Temptation to escape from conflicts – take drugs, alcohol, gangsterisme
b. Sub point 2: Lack of awareness among society on social problems among teenagers
c. Sub Point 3: Ignorance and lack of care and love from family and friends

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Social problem should be treated as it affected not only to individual but also to a large number of people. There are a lot of social problems occur among teenagers. Teenagers are the next generation that supposed to be the leaders of the country in the future. Education is the most important agenda to prevent our young generations from being manipulated by the tough situation. They should be properly educated for they will not involve in social problems to guarantee a bright future for the teenagers themselves and to the nation and country. Parents should enlarge their knowledge and skills on how to teach their children.


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