School aged children are able to use Metaphors

School aged children are able to use Metaphors

School aged children are able to use Metaphors, similes, irony/sarcasm, idioms, hyperboles and proverbs. A metaphor is a comparison of two or more things done by saying one is the other. For example, “he’s a hawk”. A simile is a comparison using like or as. An example of a simile would be, “as blind as a bat”. Irony/sarcasm expresses disappointment in an unexpected outcome for a expectation you had.Irony is more general while sarcasm, a type of irony, is more personal and sounds a little meaner. If someone were to say “what beautiful weather” when they were expecting a warm spring day but it was still cold is example of irony. Idioms have both a literal and figurative meaning. There are two types of idioms, transparent and opaque. Transparent idioms have a figurative meaning that is just an extension from the literal and opaque idioms don’t have a clear relationship between the two . An example of an idiom would be “You’re pulling my leg” . Hyperboles are an exaggeration. “I am so hungry I could eat a horse” is an example of a hyperbole. A proverb is a saying that reflects the values of a culture and they can advise, comment, warn, encourage and interpret. An example of a proverb would be “He who speaks truth tells what is right, but a false witness, deciet” (Prov. 12:17 NASB).


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