Regarding the first objective

Regarding the first objective

Regarding the first objective, the result shows that for standard deviation EFs for CO2 and CO for firewood is lower than crop residue. Next, the EFs CO2 for pellet pine is higher than in pellet corn but vice versa for CO. Then, the researchers look further into specifically cooking task with the usage of these fuels to determine which is more pollutant resulting EFs for both CO2 and CO for pellet biomass fuels are lower than uncompressed biomass fuels due to high thermal effieciency in the pellet stove. Furthermore, the result for the second objective shows that the increase of oxygen supply can increase the rate of CO2 formation for biomass fuels. However, that EFs for CO2 during high ventilation level is lower than low ventilation level but vice versa for CO for pellet fuel. Next, moisture is a significant factor affecting emission which conclude that CO2 increases when moisture decreases and vice versa for CO. A stepwise regression method are applied to calculate the influence of fuel properties and combustion conditions by considering the factor of element content, moisture, MCE, heating value and volatile matter and RSD CO2 and CO for pellet fuels are obtained to be lower than biomass fuels.


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