Genaro is a big problem in the world.

Genaro is a big problem in the world.

Genaro Rincon 04/28/2010 Persuasive Speech Proposition: I am going to prove to you that betting or gambling is an addiction, and that like any addiction they are wrong for us. We should stop being addicted to anything. Introduction: I.

Attention Getter: Don’t do it in excess. Once you do it, you aren’t going to stop doing it. One is nothing.

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If someone says to you give 5 dollars, and if you get a question right I will give you 50 dollars. Would you do it? I think you everyone would do it. According to Gregory Jantz writer of the book “Turning the tables on gambling”, two thirds of the adult population placed some kind of bet last year.Also, According to the American Psychological Association the Internet could be as addictive as alcohol, drugs, and gambling. II. Reveal Topic: So today I chose to talk about an addiction called gambling. III.

Establish Credibility: I chose to talk about gambling because I actually have been part of this addiction, and my uncle also has this problem but he has worst problems than I did. Yes everyone needs money, but there is no such thing as easy money. IV.

Preview Main Points: What can we do to get over an addiction? Everything has a solution, but we have to find it.Gambling has many consequences, and when you win money is great but is like 1/100 that someone wins. Let me talk to you about the problems, consequences and solutions on gambling. Body: I. Main Point#1: First, I will discuss that gambling is a big problem in the world. A.

Society keeps gambling and losing money, while casinos and lotteries are getting bigger thanks to the gamblers money. 1. Argument with evidence #1: We all need money, and betting is not an option because apparently we lose more than we win. Adults think that because the numbers of gamblers keep increasing.In 1999 the National Gambling Impact Study Commission estimated the annual cost to society of problem gambling was $5 billion.

2. Argument with evidence #2: According to ALL IN magazine, Internet gambling has nearly doubled every year since 1997 in 2001 it exceed $2 billion. Also in the same magazine, Gambling profits in casinos are more than $30 billion while lotteries are about 17 billion annually. B. The feel or adrenalin makes us want to keep gambling or any addiction. 1.

Argument with evidence #1: According to Jantz book, Gambling is no longer confined to places like Las Vegas or Atlantic City.It is everywhere-the Internet, state lotteries, race tracks, sporting events and slot machine in convenience stores. The growth of gambling places need to stop or change because the economy is already awful imagine with more.

2. Argument with evidence #2: Apparently, people are more into gambling because since the economy is on a downfall we think that betting as same as winning the lottery can be our alternative. It’s not, we are actually losing more money. According to the Casino Journal Magazine, “Players” or gamblers with household incomes under $10,000 bet nearly three times as much on lotteries as those with incomes over $50,000.C. We get too involved in gambling that we forget everything else.

Most important family and jobs. 1. Argument with evidence #1: According to National Opinion Research Center “Children of compulsive gamblers are often prone to suffer abuse, as well as neglect, as a result of parental problem or pathological gambling”. Family is the one who suffers more, when some member of the family gambles. 2.

Argument with evidence #2: “The average rate of divorce for problem gamblers is nearly double that of non-gamblers” this according to National Research Council on Pathological Gambling.Gamblers forget or get very angry with them that they blame it on other people, and for some wife’s are the victims. 3. Argument with evidence#3: Studies of Gamblers Anonymous (GA) members report that approximately half of the participants had stolen to gamble and over one-third had been arrested. Gamblers at this point are addicted to gambling. Connective: Now that I explained why gambling is a big problem “addiction”, let me discuss how anyone can get over gambling and an addiction. II.

Main Point#2: Any gambler, as same as any other addict can stop from an addiction. A. Solution: Any addicted person needs to accept the problem.

1.What it is: We need to accept the problem that we have and face it. “I am a gambler, and I need to stop doing it”. Not, “I know I should quit gambling, but I love it”.

2. How it works: Overcoming a gambling addiction or problem is never easy. But recovery is possible if you stick with treatment and seek support. B.

Solvency: Gamblers need help, they can’t overcome it alone. 1. Argument with evidence#1: Gamblers Anonymous is a twelve-step recovery program patterned after Alcoholics Anonymous. These free programs, facilitated by peers, use group support and a set of guided principles, the 12 steps, to obtain and maintain sobriety.The treatment recovery steps include admitting powerlessness over gambling and surrendering to a “higher power,” which you can interpret according to your own beliefs. 2. Argument with evidence#2: Cognitive-behavioral therapy for problem gambling focuses on changing unhealthy gambling behaviors and thoughts, such as rationalizations and false beliefs.

It also teaches problem gamblers how to fight gambling urges, deal with uncomfortable emotions rather than escapes through gambling, and solve financial, work, and relationship problems caused by the addiction. C. Action: We need to change their lifestyle. . Step#1: Support them if they are looking for help. Distract them with other things like going to the gym, playing sports and not betting in sports.

2. Step#2: Help them fix their schedule in order to not think on gambling. Instead help them do something else. Conclusion: I.

Signal ending/Restate proposition: Today I have talked about gambling and of any addiction that can be similar to it. II. Summarize main points: Like I said to you gambling has many problems but we need to support the people that we love because we can actually save lives of many people. III.End Memorably: We need to live our life like is the last day, and stop thinking of problems or something that make problems.

Bibliography National Research Council (NRC). (1999). Pathological Gambling: A Critical Review. Washington, D. C.

: National Academy Press. I found these review on a research of problems with gambling and it appears that there is a lot of trouble with the United States according to the research’s by this council. National Opinion Research Center (NORC). (1999). Gambling Impact and Behavior Study, Report to the National Gambling Impact Study Commission Electronic Version.

Chicago, IL: Author. The NORC states that gambling is a big problem within adults and youths. Moreover, there are more men gamblers than women. Joanna Saisan, MSW, Jeanne Segal, Ph. D. , Deborah Cutter, Psy.

D. , and Melinda Smith, M. A. , contributed to this article “Gambling Addiction” April 09. In this article, the doctors state the different problems gamblers face, how they can treat them and what they can do to keep off of gambling. Jantz, Gregory L. , and Ann McMurray.

Turning the Tables on Gambling: Hope and Help for an Addictive Behavior.Colorado Springs, Colo. : WaterBrook, 2001. Print.

This book explains all about betting. Since it all started in Las Vegas, and how it turned out to be all over the place. Why we have so many problems, and why people keep gambling. Erickson, Carlton K. “Is Pathological Gambling an ‘addiction’? ” Addiction Professional 1 May 2007. Print. In this magazine are some facts and statistics of gamblers in the U.

S, and talks about what the gamblers do in order to keep gambling. Edwin Salgado Prof. Wenzell English 115

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