Order needs to be done first 4+ (2

Order needs to be done first 4+ (2

Order of operations is a rule to clarify confusion that may occur in an equation that has multiple different operations. This rule of Order of Operations states we must solve a complex equation by complete the operations in this order: Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction. We can remember this by this mnemonic: Pink, Eyes, May, Doubt, Anyone’s, Style. *** This will happen if we take this equation and NOT follow the Order of Operation*** 4+ 2 x 3 =If I did not know the “rule” I would assume that I’d complete the problem this way 4 + 2= 6 x3 = 18 “oops I forgot my PEMDAS rule” Let’s try this again: 4+ 2 x 3= okay I need to multiply first so I’ll fix this so I know what needs to be done first 4+ (2 x 3) = Ah ha! I get it now! 4+ (2×3) = 4+6 = 10!!!!! Okay now…. Lets make this harder! 42x 10+6-9=_____ I remember the rules by using PEMDAS which means I need to start with the ( ) first 42=2 x 10+6-9=____Next I use the multiplication 2×10=20+6-9=____ Now since addition and subtraction are interchangeable, I can do either one.

I’ll keep it simple: 26-9=17 Put it all together and you will have (42)x 10+6-9=17 Well that’s great…but what if I don’t wanna use that rule? Lets find out! 42x 10+6-9=_____ Lets add the 10 and the 6 first……. which gives me 42x 16-9=____ Now let’s subtract 16-9 42x 7=____ Time for 4 divided by 2 2×7=____ 14 Not the correct answer!!!! Booooo!

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