On the other hand

On the other hand

On the other hand, there have also been reports that shift workers may develop strong comradeship around their uniquely shared challenges. Outside of the occupational setting, shift workers may also be at higher risk for social isolation, likely due to their irregular or nocturnal work schedules. Social isolation is a state of complete or near-complete lack of contact between an individual and society. It differs from loneliness, which reflects a temporary lack of contact with other humans. Social isolation can be an issue for individuals of any age, though symptoms may differ by age group. The late night shift makes the employees isolate or cut off from their normal social activities and social circles. According to Patel, the employees of night shift have a greater task and challenge of fulfilling ones family obligations and social expectations. According to Watson and Clark (1984) workers in 3 tier shift are being forced to separate themselves from their social life. According to Minors and Waterhouse (1981) it was found that shift work gives employees a good economic standard of living but the negative impacts are adverse and creates increased tiredness, a depleted relationship with family members, children and spouse, and missing important events such as school events, family functions, marriages, exercising, religious activities, social activities etc. A recent report showed that rates of intimate partnership (i.e. spouse, significant other, or otherwise regular partner) was lower in shift workers compared to day workers whereas 20.8% of day workers were single, 30.8% of shift workers were single. Another study found that 31% and 27% of evening and night shift workers respectively endorsed feeling socially isolated. In comparison, the rate of social isolation was reported at 9% in a large representative community sample, suggesting that social isolation may be substantially higher among shift workers.


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