

Name: Koh Man Ling Student ID: S10175487F Class: T24
Air pollution is a significant sustainability issue as it has caused great harms to the environment. According to WHO (World Health Organisation) 80% of the air polluted areas are mostly from urban areas.1 One of the top few highly air polluted country will be Bei Jing, China.
One of the major factors contributing to air pollution will be its rising number of vehicles, it has contributed 70% of the air pollution which include their manufacturing industries. Hence, the expanding of wealth can be correlated to the air pollution in China.2
In a recent article, it has said that Nasa Satellite has collated a data showing concentrations of nitrogen dioxide over in China from January 2005 to May 2018.3 Nitrogen dioxide gets in air from burning of fuel such as cars, buses, power plants etc.

Comparing the maps from the left to right, there is a new rising pollution forming on major areas that has been shown. Countries like India, Bangladesh are severely affected.
Pollution affects manufacturing in China as they implement fines to the factories so that the government will have a better control of the factories and also the power to give more fines if they pollute heavily.
This has affected the importer if the factories do not take actions to decrease pollution. They will have to increase product cost and lower their net margin which decrease their progress in a long run. Importer will have to take their time to find a cheaper factory or deal with the increase of product cost as whether the factory make changes to the pollution or not there will be an increase in the cost of manufacturing.4
Another impact will be on population’s health, physical or psychological well-being will affect many organs and bodily functions such as respiratory diseases, nervous system damage, anxiety etc.5 People like the elderly and children are particularly vulnerable which increase death rates.
Shutting down of coal fired power stations and banned people in the surrounding from burning coal has make significant improvement in Bei Jing. Renewable energy sources such as solar power and hydropower are used as it provides a variety of uses for the industries like generating electricity or hot water heating that helps create less pollution, such renewable sources will never run out as it can be easily replenished. The implementation of green building can also help efficiently in using energy which will improve air quality and people’s health.
Word count: 404 Top 17 Environmental Problems. (2016, December 09). Retrieved from
Clark, K. A., Shaul, T. R., & Lower, B. H. (n.d.). Environmental ScienceBites. Retrieved from
Membership, F. (n.d.). Retrieved from, V. (n.d.). 3 Ways Pollution Affects Manufacturing in China. Retrieved from
The effects of air pollution on human health. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Renewable energy in China. (2018, October 29). Retrieved from

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