Most of the time effective communication begins with the active listening

Most of the time effective communication begins with the active listening

Most of the time effective communication begins with the active listening. All meaningful interpersonal relationships can occur during the active listening phase. This is directly related to the nature of the therapeutic relationships, and therefore the use of active listening skills by nurses increases their ability to provide patient care. To actively listen, caregivers must realize that listening means more than just hearing the spoken words. instead, by using open ended question we can also actively participation is required.

Most of the time effective communication begins with the active listening. All meaningful interpersonal relationships can occur during the active listening phase. This is directly related to the nature of the therapeutic relationships, and therefore the use of active listening skills by nurses increases their ability to provide patient care. To actively listen, caregivers must realize that listening means more than just hearing the spoken words. instead, by using open ended question we can also actively participation is required.

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