Managers is a job title that is used in organisations to denote an employee who has certain duties and responsibilities to lead departments or employees in short a manager is a person responsible for controlling or administering an organisation or a group of staff

Managers is a job title that is used in organisations to denote an employee who has certain duties and responsibilities to lead departments or employees in short a manager is a person responsible for controlling or administering an organisation or a group of staff

Managers is a job title that is used in organisations to denote an employee who has certain duties and responsibilities to lead departments or employees in short a manager is a person responsible for controlling or administering an organisation or a group of staff., as a matter of fact a manager who influence a workforce to work effectively and efficiently is the reason behind a successful organisation even the man who invented management said, ” The productivity of work is not the responsibility of the worker but of a manager” (Drucker,1954). This essay will discuss how can a manager motivate a workforce with the aim of showing that what are the major benefits of this to a company.
Managers are responsible for getting the work done, It is a manager’s duty to check that all employees are doing their jobs correctly, thoroughly and on time and all expectations and goals are being met, for all this to work smoothly a manager should not only be a manager but also a motivator, a motivator who motivates the workforce in order to accomplish objectives and goals of an organisation. For being a motivator to the workforce the most significant factor, that the manager controls, is his or her relationship with each employee, the relationship of a manager and employee should be good, the second most important factor in a manager’s ability to motivate employees is creating a work environment and organisational culture that fosters employee motivation and engagement and this work culture consists of an environment in which employees are trusted , treated like adults that are and not micromanaged. Employees are entrusted with the values, vision, mission, and strategic framework within which they are expected to accomplish their jobs similarly these are factors that help produce an environment in which employees will choose motivation to accomplish the requirements of their work.
Motivation is essentially about commitment to doing something. In the context of a business, motivation can be said to be about “The will to work”, Motivation isn’t about simply working hard or completing tasks moreover motivation can come from the enjoyment of the work itself or from the desire to achieve certain goals. It can also come from the sense of satisfaction gained from completing something or achieving a successful outcome after a difficult project or problem solved. Why does motivation matter in business? In short, people’s behaviour is determined by what motivates them. The performance of employees is a product of both their abilities and motivation. A talented employee who feels de-motivated is unlikely to perform well at work, whereas a motivated employee can often deliver far more than is expected from them.
An organisation whose employees have low motivation is completely vulnerable to both internal and external challenges because its employees are not going the extra mile to maintain the organisation’s stability. An unstable organisation ultimately underperforms Lack of motivation equates to less work being accomplished. Productivity does not disappear; it is usually transferred to aspects not related to the organisation’s work, so in an organisation it is very important that people are motivated. If the employees of an organisation are motivated their interests, attitude and performance will improve during work hours, furthermore the performance is also an aspect that contributes to the success of an organisation. The main goal of an organisation is to make profit. An organisation can only make profit if the employees of that specific organisation can achieve their goals.
One of the most obvious benefits of having motivated employees is that your company will experience much higher retention rates. No smart business owner will downplay the importance of attracting new talent, and providing effective new hire training and to get new employees up-to-speed.. Employees that have a passion for what they do, and are motivated to produce results, are far more likely to stick around at a company, as they will feel that they have more of a sense of purpose. And since replacing an employee can cost more than twice as much as the cost of their salary, it is in any company’s best interests to retain, rather than replace, their employees, other benefits of a motivated workforce is a better culture in a company, employees that are motivated to work are also more likely to contribute positively towards the overall company culture. They will help to cultivate a winning culture, one in which the company is held up and pushed forward by the work of employees who believe in it, and one in which employees are motivated not only to do their work well but to come into work every day and have a good time.


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