In the late 1990s in various European countries and USA

In the late 1990s in various European countries and USA

In the late 1990s in various European countries and USA, corporate social responsibility was the concept of the provided theoretical support for the transformation in business management from striving for quantitative expansion to striving for qualitative expansion. There are measures of some type for evaluating CSR, in practice, this is carried out by means of CSR framework, consisting of triple bottom line of economic, environmental and social issues. CSR aspires to grasp liability for joint conducts and to encourage a positive impact on the habitat and stakeholders or collaborators including consumers, staff-members, venture capitalist, groups and etc. In other words it can be defined as looking at the environment and the communities where the corporations go beyond their financial and economical obligation. CSR should be applied to all the corporations as they have the same status and they function in the same way in the society as human beings. It is not only applied to the owners or stockholders but it is also applied to employees, suppliers, clientele, local community, environmental groups. It can be said that CSR is everybody’s business.


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