I would like to be concerned on few interrogations that may not have desirable answers we usually endeavor to articulate

I would like to be concerned on few interrogations that may not have desirable answers we usually endeavor to articulate

I would like to be concerned on few interrogations that may not have desirable answers we usually endeavor to articulate.
1.which objectives would like to be considered as a major to socialization of a child and Is it overlooked than others that could be more suddenly to be done?
2.How caring process can be more sufficient than the child would have spontaneously been having from him or her home?
3.Is value education that is mandated to be a good citizen of his her nation being practiced through the pre schooling ?
4.Can writing , reading, and arthematic skill be able to be covered when other skills are equally pertinent with these ?
THE INDIAN CONTEXT: Objectives mentioned by different committee
Integrated child development services (1CDS) is the world-est largest programme imparting ECCE 11 th five year plan has acknowledged the importance of early childhood education that all children be provided at least one year preschool education in the age of 3-6 years.National policy on education NPE(1986) has give great deal to importance to ECCE that ECCE requires to have young children to be provided care opportunities and experience that lead to their overall development.
National curriculum Frame work (2005) emphasized two years of preschool and and considered ECCE as significant for holistic development of the child and it advocated play based developmentally appropriate curriculum.According to Sargent Report (1944) to develop understanding of foundations of pre school education.Child care committee (1963-1964) listed the following developing habits of cleanliness in the preschol child at home as well as in the school.Indian education commission (1964-66) to encourage aesthetic appreciation.Right of children to free and compulsory Education act RTE 2009
MAJOR PROSPECTIVES AND CHALLENGES :Who are the work force involved in: what are the parameters for selection of teachers personal who are supposed to have been involved ,place to be stationed , committee to look after etc are highly risk oriented as well as quite psychologically need to have planned if not all system will be in such way that neither we can cater quality that a child need to have from either teachers or care givers who are associated with the caring process of child nor can provide job safety of service givers nor the society expect good citizen in the future .However ,the field that is to be quite sensitized and offshoot that ought to be fertile has been in a pathetic status even not be having apparent conceptual definitions; defer the qualification of teacher who are posted and their awareness on educational goals as well as how much needs of a child; feeding,toileting,assisting with dressing bathing, could be meeting and age of a child who hails there and even dichotomous of both society and pre primary school and the model suggested by the nation and its states for smooth conduction of ECCE .
Child campaign for these many years for their physical and motor,cognitive, language,social development in the hand of so called care givers has bee a challenging one since the very purpose of a care giver is typically or ideally being associated with parents to work is difficult to become either care giver to children or to be teacher who should be informal friend to a child.This huge spectrum of assignment of work how could we expect that much from whom who work for pay ? then how can workforce characteristic be changed? How much qualification mandated to have able them to work? Therefore a perfect definition for a care giver is essential so that the disparity pervaied especially in this arena can be optimistically taken away.

Most of the problems have been evolved from the system of unrecognised status of ECCE as a part of the mainstream education system. Multiplicity of overlapping social segments that affect the quality of ECCE available to various section of the population, discrimination against certain social groups, and injustice prevailed through out. The deep gender bias and pervasive patriarchal values in Indian society are held responsible for the failure to realise the need for crèches and day care, especially for children of poor rural and urban working women; this neglect also has an adverse impact on the education of girl siblings.Since it is governed by three major public, private, and NGO ,it is seen that the more or less low quality of facilities found in the public sector; highlights the great variation found in the private sector, where a large number of damaging and undesirable practices are producing a pernicious influence on the entire system; and shows that while there are some islands of excellence in the NGO sector, these have not gone to scale. Addressing the issue of ensuring quality for all, and emphasising the need for norms and standards, the report outlines the five major dimensions of quality: appropriate curriculum; trained, motivated, and suitably rewarded teachers; appropriate teacher–child ratio and group size; a supervisory mechanism; and child-friendly infrastructure.

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