Since leaner cow, or adisease resistant stalk

Since leaner cow, or adisease resistant stalk

Since the beginning of the human race, we have been looking.

We have beenlooking for ways to make our lives healthier, more comfortable, and happier. Inthe beginning it was simple rocks, plants, and fires. As our technology advancedso did the comfort of our lives. The wheel, the cure to the plaque, and who canforget the remote control, were all tools that made it possible to improve thequality of life. What tool lies ahead in the future to promote our well beingand happiness? Genetic engineering is that tool. Every living thing is made upof genes, and with the capability of altering these genes, the possibilities areendless. Everything from better quality produce to the prevention of cancer is apossibility with genetic engineering, and scientists are just now beginning tounderstand the complex gene patterns.

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If you can imagine a world free ofdiabetes, or male pattern baldness, and genetics has a major role. Geneticengineers might someday have the capabilities to remove these genes or evenclone wanted genes, and in the end allowing us to live the healthy, comfortable,happier lives we seek. The numbers of positive outcomes from genetic engineeringare inconceivable.

Genetic engineering will lead to healthier, more comfortable,and better lives. Genetic engineering will improve every day produce and goods.For producers involved with living organisms as their products, genes play amajor role in the quality of their products and amount of profit.

If a farmer’scows are not as lean, or their corn is diseased, then the demand for theirproduct is going to be less than the competition. That is where genetics comesin. It is possible, by altering certain genes, to create a leaner cow, or adisease resistant stalk of corn, and it is this fact that makes geneticengineering invaluable to the every day farmer.

If their cattle is leaner, ortheir chickens are engineered to lay two eggs instead of one, then there isgoing to be a greater profit earned by the farmers, and a better quality ofproduct. In the near future there may be bacon that is relatively fat free, or achicken breast with twice the meat. By selecting the wanted genes and removingthe unwanted, the producer can improve it product that it sells to the consumer,and the spectrum is not just restricted to food. Softer cloths, sturdier wood,hardier trees and shrubs, and slower growing, greener grass are allpossibilities. These improved products will impact everyone, and will beeverywhere. The impact is hazy, but the effect is clear; they will improve notonly the profit of the producer, but also the lives of the consumer. Geneticaltering will be a powerful tool against disease, and disabilities.

Every yearmillions of people die from a variety of diseases and disabilities that arepassed down by genes. Cancer is one example of a disease that has been linked togenes and heredity. Many patients have a family history involving some type ofcancer in the past. With the introduction of genetic engineering, there is agood chance that scientists will be able to locate genes that are prone tocancer and alter them so that the chance of getting cancer is greatly reduced.Cancer is not the only disease that this could be applied to either.

Almost anydisease, disorder, or disability has a future in genetic engineering. Anotherexample is Down’s syndrome, a syndrome that is passed down through generationsby a mutated gene, and causes mental impairment. Imagine if someday that mutatedgene could be removed from a family’s future, allowing their kids to lead normallives. There is no doubt that it would improve the quality of life for thesekids who, then, would be normal healthy children. Just the same, blindness,diabetes, dwarfism, heart valve deformities, Alzheimer’s and many moreconditions can be avoided or even eliminated by the use of genetic engineering.

The uses of genetic altering in the medical field are exciting as well asnumerous, and it will no doubt change the way we look at our health and thehealth of our children. Cloning, also, has great potential in improving thelives of people. It has potential, not only on the cellular level, but also onthe tissue and organism level. The genetic engineering of cattle would be astepping stone to a better, leaner beef.

However once the leanest cow isproduced then cloning can be introduced to produce the same lean and profitablecow over and over again. The same process could be applied to the cells oftissues. The future prosthetics might just be cultured in a lab from the tissueof the original limb, and re-attached to the patient for a perfect and normalarm or leg. This technology would improve the lifestyle of the patient moregreatly than the simple silicon and metal prosthetics of today.

Cloning couldalso be applied to the reproduction of vaccines or cures to diseases. If oneperson was to beat, or live through, a disease that is normally fatal, thenscientist could find the gene that enabled him or her to do so, clone it, andcreate a vaccine or cure for other people with that disease. This technology isstill out of reach for right now, but scientists are rapidly approaching it, asseen in the cloning of sheep.

The cloning of vaccines and limbs is still in thefuture, but someday it will be a reality, and that reality will see achievementsthat will help people in areas that had been hopeless before. There are everyday problems that could be solved with genetic engineering. It is amazing whenyou look at the possible potential of gene altering in common everyday life. InAmerican, a larger percent of the population is obese than in any other country,and the health risks that accompany obesity are serious; including high bloodpressure, heart attack, depression, and many other serious issues.

Lifestyles offatty foods and not enough exercise put us at the top of the risk charts. Or isit the Twinkies fault? Even with this lifestyle, our weight is still mainlydependent upon one main factor, our metabolism, or the speed at which our bodiesnaturally burn off calories and fat. So what makes a slimmer persons metabolismfaster, and an obese persons metabolism slower? Well, exercise for one, speedsup metabolism, but a much bigger determinate is genes.

The genes that ancestorspass down determines how fast your body will naturally burn off the energy thatit is fed. That is where the potential is. If scientist locate the gene formetabolism control then the possibility for leaner, healthier people can berealized. If obesity is controlled then so will the health risks that come alongwith it. But what else could be controlled by genes? Well, almost any physicaltrait is controlled by genes, and could also be altered.

The embarrassment ofmale pattern baldness could be a thing of the past, the painful experience ofwisdom teeth could be avoided as well as numerous others. If there is a historyof any unwanted trait then there is a very good possibility that geneticengineering can fix it. These cosmetic changes may seem minor, but for manypeople they are problems, and eliminating them would greatly improve theirself-perception and the way they live. The altering of genes will contribute amajor part in the well being and happiness of people in the future. Geneticengineering is an awesome technological power that will be of great importanceto the common every day person. It will improve, prevent, and eliminate aspectsof our lives to the degree of inconceivability.

Everything from products tohealth will be improved by altering genes, resulting in less disease, healthierpeople, better food, and easier lives. We still do not realize the fullpotential of genetic engineering and we are just starting to recognize thepossibilities. With genetic engineering the future will be a great and excitingtime, one where the next Mohammed Ali will not have Parkinson’s Disease andclones of Evander Holyfield’s ears will always be at ring side.

Geneticengineering will change the world, people, and the lives of the people for thebetter. The possibilities have no limit.Science

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