Category: Pedagogy

Bilingual overwhelming proportions of ELL students are Spanish

Bilingual Education and Latino Civil Rights While the population of language minority children in the nation makes up a substantial part of the student population, and continues to grow, their educational civil rights have come under increasing scrutiny and attack over the past decade. All students have the right to be provided access to content …

Sean parents is extremely important because nobody

Sean S. Culturally Responsive Teaching Culturally Responsive Teaching is a pedagogy that recognizes the importance of including students’ cultural references in all aspects of learning (Ladson-Billings, 1994). This approach to teaching encompasses how knowledge is both communicated and perceived by the students. The teacher must have a good relationship with the parents, have high expectations, …

The adaptability to different historical, cultural, and

The Life And Work Of Maria Montessori Biographical Highlights Maria Montessori (1870-1952) has been one of the most innovative childhood pedagogues of the 20th Century. An early feminist and advocate of women’s rights, she gave birth to a pioneering method of childhood education that has survived almost unchanged in its essential features – and despite …

2. treatment of problem behaviours and disorders.

2. 3 Some of the theories of development and how the frameworks to support development can influence practice: Jean Piaget (1896-1980) Jean Piaget believed that intelligence is a process that helps an organism adapt to its environment. His “Cognitive-Developmental Theory” suggested four major periods of cognitive development. Piaget’s influence created a revolution in human development …

The conscious ofand how they operate unconsciously. Consciously

The way we work with children and current practice is affected by theories of development which are written by many physcologists who have studied children and ways in which they develop. They have many varied ideas about how children learn. The physcologists have proposed different theories that they claim to explain children’s learning and how …


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