Disney has been successful for so long thanks to the type of products and their quality along with the good management of its creative content

Disney has been successful for so long thanks to the type of products and their quality along with the good management of its creative content

Disney has been successful for so long thanks to the type of products and their quality along with the good management of its creative content. Indeed, it is able to reuse/refurbish previously used content. Most of all, Disney has been capable to create circles of resonance, with products aging and transforming with the age of its customers and then coming back to them as they rediscover them with their own children. This has created a long-term attachment do Disney for Disney users.

Continuous change is required to maintain sustainable growth (which is the primary goal of any company). Over the years, Disney has tried to reach new untouched consumers as well as seen above, further exploit existing ones. But not all these diversifications have been a success and Disney has sometimes taken too long to back out of them. Disney’s core business is producing and providing entertainment and information.
Disney’s growth has lead it to find itself in a paradox between control and stretch. They want to control everything but at the same time be as big as possible. It is important to set apart some businesses and concentrate on the core business.
Another risk Disney has faced is when it bought a distribution with ABC (vertical integration), which then becomes a competitor of your supplier.
Four dimensions of expansion: Vertical, geographical, horizontal, target public.

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