Discrimination against other people could lead to a huge impact on their selfs and self – worth

Discrimination against other people could lead to a huge impact on their selfs and self – worth

Discrimination against other people could lead to a huge impact on their selfs and self – worth. They may find life really ugly and develop depression and trust issues; this could affect them throughout their whole life. A person with low self – esteem will always give up on a everything or may not want to do anything at all because they fear they won’t be able to achieve it.

There are four types of discrimination, first one is; Direct: it is when a person is told they are unable to do something because of their religion, sex, color or race. Second is indirect: this would be removing people from taking part to make rules or practice, that affects them negatively for example displaying pictures which only include white people and not multicultural people. Third would be institutional: it occurs when the systems, policies and procedures in a setting discriminate against a group or groups of people. This happens because the systems and processes were designed without taking into account the diverse needs of groups within the community in relation to their race, disability or gender resulting in some people being treated differently. Last one is individual: it is where one person encourages the unfair treatment of another person.

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Discriminating can lead to bullying that the person can then carry it on into the rest of his life. There are many ways in which people could be discriminated, some of these can include racism against cultures all Arabs and Muslims are terrorists, racism against immigrants. In the Oxford dictionary it says that the unfair or racist treatment of different segments of people, specifically on the grounds of age, sex, or race victims of racial discrimination.

Male builder/female builder. Black policeman/white policeman. Disabled teacher/non-disabled teacher Each person is an unique and has different life but should all be treated the same by making sure that all people are included in different activities.

Racism, whether intentional or otherwise is an illness ailing our society resulting in negative effects. Therefore, individuals and countries should seek, exclude hypocrisy, and in its place encourage morality that induce people to love each other.


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